dxf-viewer copied to clipboard
Cannot be used on the Vue3 project
Please help me Dalao!
On the Vue3 project, I completed the dxf parsing work, but was unable to assign canvas to my Dom node; Error content: TypeError: save is null
Finally, attach my Vue3 code
<div id="ViewerCore" class="ViewerCore" ref="ViewerCoreRef">
<!-- <a-spin class="ViewerCore_spin" :tip="progressText" size="large">
</a-spin> -->
<script setup>
import { ref, reactive, onMounted } from 'vue'
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'
import { useProjectInfo } from '@/store/projectStore'
import { urlToFile } from '@/utils/Download/Download'
import * as three from 'three'
import { DxfViewer } from 'dxf-viewer'
import DxfViewerWorker from 'worker-loader!./DxfViewerWorker' // eslint-disable-line
import mainFont from '@/assets/Fonts/Roboto-LightItalic.ttf'
import aux1Font from '@/assets/Fonts/NotoSansDisplay-SemiCondensedLightItalic.ttf'
import aux2Font from '@/assets/Fonts/HanaMinA.ttf'
import aux3Font from '@/assets/Fonts/NanumGothic-Regular.ttf'
const projectStore = useProjectInfo()
const ViewerCoreRef = ref(null)
const spinning = ref(false)
const instantDxfViewer = ref()
const curProgressPhase = ref('')
const progressText = ref('')
const Fonts = [mainFont, aux1Font, aux2Font, aux3Font]
const options = reactive(
clearColor: new three.Color('#212830'),
autoResize: true,
colorCorrection: true,
sceneOptions: {
wireframeMesh: true
// 获取文件blob链接
const getFileBlob = () => {
spinning.value = true
urlToFile(projectStore.DWGInfo.path, projectStore.DWGInfo.fileName).then(res => {
const dxfUrl = URL.createObjectURL(res)
// 加载DXF文件
const loadDXF = async (dxfUrl) => {
const fixFonts = []
Fonts.forEach(element => {
fixFonts.push('/' + element)
try {
await instantDxfViewer.value.Load({
url: dxfUrl,
fonts: fixFonts,
progressCbk: OnProgress.bind(),
workerFactory: DxfViewerWorker
} catch (error) {
} finally {
spinning.value = false
progressText.value = ''
curProgressPhase.value = ''
// DXF加载进度
const OnProgress = (phase, size, totalSize) => {
console.log('phase', phase)
console.log('size', size)
console.log('totalSize', totalSize)
if (phase !== curProgressPhase.value) {
switch (phase) {
case 'font':
progressText.value = '正在获取字体'
case 'fetch':
progressText.value = '正在获取文件'
case 'parse':
progressText.value = '文件转码中'
case 'prepare':
progressText.value = '数据渲染中'
curProgressPhase.value = phase
onMounted(() => {
instantDxfViewer.value = new DxfViewer(ViewerCoreRef.value, options)
setTimeout(() => {
}, 200)
defineExpose({ getFileBlob })
<style lang="stylus">
height: 100%
width: 100%
height: 100%
width 100%
display: absolute
margin-top: 16%
It is quite difficult to identify the cause by that information. It should not be Vue3-specific. Does the file, you are trying to load, is displayed properly on the demo page?
you need to not ref instantDxfViewer Create a 'var' variable
var instantDxfViewer = null; instantDxfViewer = ew DxfViewer(ref, DxfViewerOptions);