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Clean up installation instructions
This is in response to a user (@monacv) who had to ask the #bash
Freenode IRC channel for help with your instructions.
Thanks so much! #bash IRC channel is definitely on the list of top 10 IRC channel
I want to run your code on my system. But the Installation Instructions are unclear.
And i really need your help.
(1) For example, Their is no requirements.txt file within your code file that will help install all necessary modules & packages.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Problem: Without the requirements.txt file & thus not installed modules the code keeps running into errors.
(2) To Evaluate Performance V-COCO & HICO-DET Dataset is needed to be downloaded. By your instructions we install cocoapi.
Then you direct us to another Project to download V-COCO & HICO-DE Dataset & set evaluation.
Problem: Their is a lot of confusion about where to put downloaded images.. (In cocoapi or the reference paper downloaded dataset files. Where to put images folders inside the coco folder & run setups as per the instructions in cocoapi dataset folder or the reference paper coco dataset folder. etc. ).
(3) Download trained model from your gdrive.
Problem: You asked us to put it into relevent weights folder. But their is non in your code.
(4) To run python3 test_HOI.py ctdet --exp_id coco_hg --fix_res --arch hourglass --flip_test --load_model /path/to/model/weights
Problem: What is what?