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GraphQL AST/SDL toolkit extending graphql/graphql-js with extra features for code generation & testing


GraphQL AST/SDL toolkit extending standard graphql/graphql-js with extra features for code generation & testing.

Inspired by code-first schema generation tools like graphql-compose or graphql-nexus, but focused on AST/SDL, instead of executable schema.

The aim is to provide flexible and very interoperable tooling for GraphQL generation & testing.

Use cases

  • code-first SDL
  • testing of graphql code
  • writing all kinds *-to-graphql/graphql-to-* generators


  • almost no deps
  • semantic, verbose aprroach - no magic
  • clean fluent apis
  • all is a function over some GraphQL.ASTNote

AST factories

  • neat create functions for all kinds of ast nodes
  • mix simplified props & ast nodes on all nesting levels
  • aliased export t for graphql-nexus-like experience


  • uniform graphql-compose-like crud methods for common operations
  • stateless & puggable - it's just higher order function on any ASTNode
  • also for DocumentNode with operation suspport


Check source or docs


$ yarn add graphql-extra

Sneak peek


import { namedtypeNode } from 'graphql-extra'

const named: NamedTypenode = namedTypeNode('Int')

graphql-nexus-like experience with t aliased function names

import { t } from 'graphql-extra'

const node: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode = t.objectType({
  name: 'MyObject',
  description: 'My object',
  interfaces: [
    // accept string
    // or ast node
  fields: [
    // accept props object
      name: 'myField',
      description: 'my description',
      // nested ast node
    // or ast node
      name: 'myOtherField',
      // entirely nestable
      type: '[ID!]',


Low-level apis for any graphql AST node

import { objectTypeApi } from 'graphql-extra'

const node: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode = {...}

const obj = objectTypeApi(node)
  .createField({ name: 'otherField', type: 'Int!' })
  .updateField('otherField', { name: 'renamedField' })

if(node === obj.node) {
  console.log(`it's simply mutating provided astNode object`)

Which also works for DocumentNode

import { documentSchemaApi } from 'graphql-extra'

const typeDefs = /* GraphQL */ `
  type Person {
    id: ID!
    name: String!

const moreTypeDefs = /* GraphQL */ `
  type Post {
    id: ID!
    body: String!
    authot: Person!

const ast = documentSchemaApi().addSDL(moreTypeDefs)

const obj1 = ast.getType('Person')

const obj2 = ast.createObjectType({...}).addDescription('...')

// serialise in any time
const typedefsString = ast.toString()
const documentNode = ast.toDocument()
const introspectionSchema = ast.toSchema()