Jakub Wadas
Jakub Wadas
Same with url when using local file sqlite db. ```prisma # prisma/schema.prisma datasource db { provider = "sqlite" # need to escape prisma dir to have it in "temp/dev.db" url...
@pantharshit00 Sure - I just thought it's the same thing that could be formulated like "relative paths in .prisma file are relative to prisma, not project root ". Both behaviors...
Few months ago I got so frustrated with exactly all this, that I made a tool. Weird that I did not notice this issue before. Frankly - right now I'm...
Glad you like it:) Yes, it'll land in few days - in let's say `0.3.0` release - I'm like 2/3 done with it. - There's going to be only few,...
Ok, added it :) https://github.com/vadistic/graphql-extra/commit/2b22d7334f0457c60b27fd18ce2e3b949054f9fe I'll take a second look tommorow, add tests and few details but generally it's done :) Performance wise I'm now afraid to benchmark it -...
@GavinRay97 Ok - I've published it under alpha tag - please let me know how much I've broke you code :upside_down_face:
@GavinRay97 Thanks for feedback - that's exactly what I need :) - union types too complex to represt sometimes happen to me when there's generic T extending some complex union...
@GavinRay97 Ok so the last two ones were one minute fixes, you can check the next alpha, but I cannot reproduce complex union types issue. I saw this error previously...
It's not that strange, and in any case "as a user" you should be able to do any arbitrary weird thing :) So I cannot reproduce those complex unions types...
No problems with delay. As we see this few days refactor will take almost 3 weeks, but we're getting there :) It is strange, becasue e.g. `getName` returns just simple...