Vadim Gubin
Vadim Gubin
I added import "babel-register"; import Sitemap from 'react-router-sitemap'; ..... new Sitemap(Router) .build('') .save('./sitemap.xml'); into index.js my app. App build with webpack
on server when building app
when I added require.extensions['.css','.styl'] = function () { return null; }; into sitemap-builder.js react-transform-hmr/lib/index.js:51 throw new Error('locals[0] does not appear to be a `module` object with Hot Module ' +...
cross-env NODE_ENV=production node sitemap-builder.js resolve it :)
Yes, but without this library I didn't have this problem. Sitemap generator for single-page React-apps is very helpful. And I hope improve your library by my bug-reports.