spreadsheet copied to clipboard
Twice dragging a formula of a formatted cell displaying ###
Originally by dattukv
1] Create a row with data format $0.00 on the cells like below
Spreadsheet spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
Row row = spreadsheet.getActiveSheet().createRow(0);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
Cell cell = row.createCell(i);
SpreadsheetUtil.applyDataFormatOnCell("$0.00", cell, spreadsheet);
2]Now when spreadsheet is displayed, enter a 6 digit number (like 333333) in Cell A1. Now Copy this cell value to other cells by dragging the cell. Value will be copied to other cells. Do the dragging again on the same cells. When you drag second time cells are displaying ### instead of values
Imported from https://dev.vaadin.com/ issue #20249
Originally by dattukv
Sorry missed the content of SpreadsheetUtil.applyDataFormatOnCell(). Pasting here
public static void applyDataFormatOnCell(String format, Cell cell, Spreadsheet spreadsheet) { XSSFCellStyle style = (XSSFCellStyle) cloneStyle(cell, spreadsheet); Short dataFormat = spreadsheet.getWorkbook().createDataFormat().getFormat(format); style.setDataFormat(dataFormat); cell.setCellStyle(style); }
public static CellStyle cloneStyle(Cell cell, final Spreadsheet spreadsheet) {
CellStyle newStyle = spreadsheet.getWorkbook().createCellStyle();
return newStyle;
If the result of the second drag is that cell values are replaced with formulas, and the text is expected to overflow into adjacent empty cells when displayed, the bug here could actually be the one from