Vaadin Bot

Results 148 issues of Vaadin Bot

**Originally by _snitsche_ on 2015-04-30 22:44:18 +0300** --- It seems as if the widgetset-property in (vaadin.servlet.params.widgetset/vaadin.servlet.widgetset - neither works) is ignored in current vaadin-spring-boot version, leading to the problem...

**Originally by _snitsche_ on 2015-05-19 11:56:02 +0300** --- Hej, this problem I ran into might be a bit difficult to describe - I will try to narrow it down as...

**Originally by _trojanbug_ on 2015-11-11 20:23:36 +0200** --- Currently SpringVaadinServlet looks in Servletcontext (using Spring helper) for an existing application context, and then uses it to bootstrap UIProvider. This prevents...

**Originally by _HermanBovens_** --- As can be seen also on the Vaadin Charts demo site, when hovering over legend items the series is not emphasized anymore as it used to...


**Originally by _bedinsky_** --- I'm using vaadin addon chart and I need to show a message when data is loading. I have seen com.vaadin.addon.charts.model.Loading, that is the configuration to display...


**Originally by _adrianzara_** --- After migrating to Charts 3.0.0, we noticed that there is no option to show the legend of the PlotOptionsErrorbar. This change was not even mentioned in...


**Originally by _dmitrij.colautti_** --- In the there aren't two properties that are present in Highcharts: textOverflow and whiteSpace. The properties are also missing in version 3.1.0 and 3.2 beta....


**Originally by _niko.hellgren_** --- Setting a hover color (or any other stylings) to the States object of PlotOptionsHeatmap does nothing. To reproduce: 1) Take the example code from 2)...


**Originally by _stanik_** --- Setting the attribute 'minorTickInterval' other then 'auto' causes incorrect rendering of the minor ticks. Sometimes only the first minor tick is rendered sometimes non is rendered....


**Originally by _franck.lefebure_** --- Hi My Vaadin Chart version is 2.1.3 My Vaadin version is 7.5.10 but problem is present with 7.6.4 Trying to implement context menu over Vaadin Chart,...
