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v2ray-core 的模板们
Hi I have a website with the following server side configuration already working: `CDN -> Apache Web Server (reverse proxy) -> V2Ray Docker Container (port forwarding) -> V2ray with VMess...
VMESS(VLESS)+WS+TLS+NGINX (麻烦把nginx的配置也写出来) VMESS(VLESS)+WS+TLS (不含NGINX但加入path)
(Socks5+WS+Web+TLS+Nginx) All Json. Hope to help everyone, Thanks v2fly official!
这样写可以吗? ``` { "listen": "", "port": 1053, "protocol": "dokodemo-door", "settings": { "address": "", "port": 53, "network": "tcp,udp", "timeout": 0 } } ```
如果 nginx 采用正常配置(listen 443),在 Request Headers 可以获取到正常客户端 IP 但是如果用了回落(listen unix:/dev/shm/default.sock),则获取到的 IP 变成了 "unix" 请问有任何解决方法吗?
I tried using Google Translate, but it says there is a syntax error: ``` %% Please use double quotation marks for large sections of text, otherwise characters such as Chinese...
1. VLESS 仍在不断变化,务必确保两边的 v2ray-core 均为最新版本(很多问题最后发现是没有升级版本)。 2. 这里不是客服区,也没有客服。问题需要有建设性,或者你认为是 BUG 等,而不是不会配置/不会使用。 3. 最终提出问题前,你应当先仔细地读完 VLESS 的文档:https://www.v2fly.org/config/protocols/vless.html 4. 你应当先广泛地搜索类似的问题,提出问题时应当详细地描述场景,并一次性附上所有相关配置及日志。
我自己试了一下配置 outbound 但不成功,谁指点我一下 ``` { "protocol": "vless", "settings": { "vnext": [ { "address": "example.com", "port": 443, "users": [ { "encryption": "none", "id": "uuid" } ] } ] }, "streamSettings": {...