yad copied to clipboard
--focus-field does not focus when --form is swallowed into --paned window
My --paned window has 2 tabs placed vertically, the upper tab is a --text-info and the lower tab is a --form for data entry. I am trying to focus a field in the --form tab, but it does not focus. Here is the code,
yad --plug=12345 --tabnum=1 --text-info --filename="$LINBMDDIR/TranscribedData/$CURRENTDTAFILE" --back=yellow --tail --editable &> "$LINBMDDIR/Program/Record-result_keyed" &
yad --plug=12345 --tabnum=2 --text="$MESSAGE" --form --columns=5 --focus-field=2 --field="" "${ENTRY_RESULTS[0]}" --field="" "${ENTRY_RESULTS[1]}" --field="" "${ENTRY_RESULTS[2]}" --field="" "${ENTRY_RESULTS[3]}" --field="" "${ENTRY_RESULTS[4]}" &> "$LINBMDDIR/Program/Record-result_entry" &
yad --paned --key=12345 --title "$WINDOWTITLE" --width=1000 --height=700 --orient=vert --splitter=550 --active-tab=2 --buttons-layout=center --button="<span foreground='red' font-size='x-large' font='bold'>ABANDON</span>":1 --button="<span foreground='green' font-size='x-large' font='bold'>UPDATE</span>":0
If I make a standalone --form, --focus-field=2 does work, ie,
yad --text="$MESSAGE" --form --columns=5 --focus-field=2 --field="" "${ENTRY_RESULTS[0]}" --field="" "${ENTRY_RESULTS[1]}" --field="" "${ENTRY_RESULTS[2]}" --field="" "${ENTRY_RESULTS[3]}" --field="" "${ENTRY_RESULTS[4]}" &> "$LINBMDDIR/Program/Record-result_entry"
I'm wondering if this is a bug or something that I doing incorrectly.
Some further info,
On first call the array values of the fields are empty. NO field focus.
If I fill the array elements with some character before first call, the field is focussed.
UPDATE - Sorry, text is highlighted in focussed field but the field itself is not focussed!