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Mostly complete cemuhook protocol reference


Cemuhook is modification for Cemu WiiU emulator which allow to do all sorts of cool stuff, including custom button/motion sources.
Purpose of this document is to shed light on previously undocumented protocol it uses.
Only one known and existing version of protocol at the moment of creation and last modification of this document is 1001 which is described below.

Common information

  • Cemuhook use UDP protocol, which may make things tricky but very efficient
  • Cemuhook use server at localhost:26760 (number is a port)
  • Your application should serve all sources it can, not few different instances of it.
  • Each (valid) packet either from cemuhook or your server contain:
    • Header (16 bytes)
    • Message type (4 bytes)
    • Other data

Numbers encoding

You can refer to C# implementations of BitConverter for details on this.
Numbers are encoded as little endian, which is also native endian on most platforms in the world (but not all).

Header structure

Offset Length Type Meaning
0 4 String Magic string — DSUS if it's message by server (you), DSUC if by client (cemuhook).
4 2 Unsigned 16-bit Protocol version used in message. Currently 1001.
6 2 Unsigned 16-bit Length of packet without header. Drop packet if it's too short, truncate if it's too long.
8 4 Unsigned 32-bit CRC32 of whole packet while this field was zeroed out. Be careful with endianness here!
12 4 Unsigned 32-bit Client or server ID who sent this packet. Should stay the same on one run. Can be randomly generated on startup.
16 4 Unsigned 32-bit Not actually part of header so it counts as length. Event type. Read below to learn possible ones.

Below I'll refer to all positions after cutting out first 20 bytes and implying that structure above is included in your response at the beginning.

Message types

Value Meaning
0x100000 Protocol version information (doesn't seem to be ever requested)
0x100001 Information about connected controllers
0x100002 Actual controllers data
0x110001 (Unofficial) Information about controller motors
0x110002 (Unofficial) Rumble controller motor

Same constants are used both for incoming and outgoing messages. So if you got message with some type, response(s) to it will have same type value.

Protocol version information

This message type carry no extra incoming payload and require you to reply with maximal protocol version supported.

Incoming packet structure

Offset Length Type Meaning
- - - No additional payload.

Outgoing packet structure:

Offset Length Type Meaning
0 2 Unsigned 16-bit Maximal protocol version supported by your application.

Shared response beginning for message types below

Both "Information about connected controllers" and "Actual controllers data" responses begin the same way that is described below:

Offset Length Type Meaning
0 1 Unsigned 8-bit Slot you're reporting about. Must be the same as byte value you read.
1 1 Unsigned 8-bit Slot state: 0 if not connected, 1 if reserved (?), 2 if connected.
2 1 Unsigned 8-bit Device model: 0 if not applicable, 1 if no or partial gyro 2 for full gyro. Value 3 exist but should not be used (go with VR, guys).
3 1 Unsigned 8-bit Connection type: 0 if not applicable, 1 for USB, 2 for bluetooth.
4 6 Unsigned 48-bit MAC address of device. It's used to detect same device between launches. Zero out if not applicable.
10 1 Unsigned 8-bit Battery status. See below for possible values.

This structure is 11 bytes long.

Battery values

Value Meaning
0x00 Not applicable
0x01 Dying
0x02 Low
0x03 Medium
0x04 High
0x05 Full (or almost)
0xEE Charging
0xEF Charged

Information about connected controllers

This request type is a bit more complicated. When you receive it, you should report all controllers you serve (up to four).
This message have length of 12 bytes (32 total with structure from above).
If controller for some port is not connected, you can respond with 12 zero bytes (plus header).

Incoming packet structure

Offset Length Type Meaning
0 4 Signed 32-bit Amount of ports you should report about. Always less than 5.
4 1 to 4 Unsigned 8-bit (array) Each byte represent number of slot you should report about. Count of bytes here is determined by value above. Each value is less than 4.

For every requested controller slot you should send one packet structured like described below.

Outgoing packet structure:

Offset Length Type Meaning
0 11 Complex Beginning described above
11 1 N/A Zero byte (\0).

Actual controllers data

When you get this type of message, no instant response is required. Instead, you should begin or continue sending data from requested controller to this server. There is no way to know when client is gone, so you should implement some kind of timeout to stop sending data when client didn't requested data for some time.

If requested controller is not connected, message should be ignored.

Total message length (with packet header) is 100 bytes.

Incoming packet structure

Offset Length Type Meaning
0 1 Unsigned 8-bit Bitmask of actions you should take. Valid flags are 1 for slot-based registration, 2 for MAC-based registration, no bits (all set to 0) to subscribe to all controllers.
1 1 Unsigned 8-bit If slot-based registration is requested, slot to report about.
2 6 Unsigned 48-bit If MAC-based registration is requested, MAC of device to report about.

Outgoing packet structure:

Bitmasks are described in descending order:, as bits in number go: 128, 64, 32 and so on.
All sticks use full 8-bit range (0-255). Set them to 128 for neutral value.
Analog buttons use full range as well. If button is not analog, report 0 for released and 255 for pressed states.
Acceleration values are in g's (1 g ≈ 9.8 m/s²), gyroscope ones are in deg/s.
There is no standard range for touch values aside from requirement to have x axis point rightward and y to point downward. Clients interested in using touch input should implement some sort of calibration method to determine touch range.

Offset Length Type Meaning
0 11 Complex Beginning described above
11 1 Unsigned 8-bit Is controller connected (1 if connected, 0 if not)
12 4 Unsigned 32-bit Packet number (for this client)
16 1 Bitmask D-Pad Left, D-Pad Down, D-Pad Right, D-Pad Up, Options (?), R3, L3, Share (?)
17 1 Bitmask Y, B, A, X, R1, L1, R2, L2
18 1 Unsigned 8-bit HOME Button (0 or 1)
19 1 Unsigned 8-bit Touch Button (0 or 1)
20 1 Unsigned 8-bit Left stick X (plus rightward)
21 1 Unsigned 8-bit Left stick Y (plus upward)
22 1 Unsigned 8-bit Right stick X (plus rightward)
23 1 Unsigned 8-bit Right stick Y (plus upward)
24 1 Unsigned 8-bit Analog D-Pad Left
25 1 Unsigned 8-bit Analog D-Pad Down
26 1 Unsigned 8-bit Analog D-Pad Right
27 1 Unsigned 8-bit Analog D-Pad Up
28 1 Unsigned 8-bit Analog Y
29 1 Unsigned 8-bit Analog B
30 1 Unsigned 8-bit Analog A
31 1 Unsigned 8-bit Analog X
32 1 Unsigned 8-bit Analog R1
33 1 Unsigned 8-bit Analog L1
34 1 Unsigned 8-bit Analog R2
35 1 Unsigned 8-bit Analog L2
36 6 Complex First touch (see below)
42 6 Complex Second touch (see below)
48 8 Unsigned 64-bit Motion data timestamp in microseconds, update only with accelerometer (but not gyro only) changes
56 4 Float Accelerometer X axis
60 4 Float Accelerometer Y axis
64 4 Float Accelerometer Z axis
68 4 Float Gyroscope pitch
72 4 Float Gyroscope yaw
76 4 Float Gyroscope roll

Touch data structure

Offset Length Type Meaning
0 1 Unsigned 8-bit Is touch active (1 if active, else 0)
1 1 Unsigned 8-bit Touch id (should be the same for one continuous touch)
2 2 Unsigned 16-bit Touch X position
4 2 Unsigned 16-bit Touch Y position

(Unofficial) Information about controller motors

Query how many rumble motors specified controllers have.

Incoming packet structure

Offset Length Type Meaning
0 8 Complex Controller identification header, same as the incoming packet of "Actual controllers data"

Outgoing packet structure

Offset Length Type Meaning
0 11 Complex Beginning described above
11 1 Unsigned 8-bit Motor count - common values are 0 (no rumble support), 1 (single motor), and 2 (left/right motors)

(Unofficial) Rumble controller motor

Set rumble intensity for controller motor. Only incoming packet.

Clients should periodically (twice to ten times per second) re-send rumble state (both zero and non-zero) to account for potential packet loss. Servers should reset motor's rumble strength to zero if they haven't received rumble packets for it for prolonged period of time (whatever you use for client timeout is a good estimate, which should be about 5 seconds) to avoid controllers getting stuck rumbling in the event client disconnects disgracefully.

Incoming packet structure

Offset Length Type Meaning
0 8 Complex Controller identification header, same as the incoming packet of "Actual controllers data"
8 1 Unsigned 8-bit Motor id, 0~motor count-1
9 1 Unsigned 8-bit Motor vibration intensity, 0~255 (0 means no vibration)