
Results 55 comments of void*

I did check the desktop preview. sadly no menu in there either

from my knowledge it is possible to draw imgui elements into VR. there is actually a fork of imgui for vr called imguivr or something which allows you to draw...

maybe the texture thing might work, you could draw a plane/cube or whatever into the game and put imgui as a texture on it

The Game was VirtuosoVR I believe.

welp then I forgot... sorry

I know this is old and closed. I recently hit this issue myself and for everyone ever finding this place. I made a fork with video + audio recording support:...

I'll take a look. Thanks

@olberger if you set the vcodec to libx265 it will fix the conversation process inside the docker. I also recommend changing the conversation process in "fix_video.sh" or whatever the name...

@olberger I'm pretty new to ffmpeg myself and it's black magic to me. specially all the different codecs with all these different results. I was trying around different ones and...

@olberger for me it fixed the conversion from mkv to mp4. but forwhatever reason it doesnt work anymore. It seems like I also have issues recording audio at all. anyone...