Hi @joseff8, We are still working on data ingestion, we will update you once testing complete. Thanks
Hi @joseff8, We tried to ingest data, but we are not able to ingest data in few tables. Please run below parser in your workspace where data available. [CiscoMeraki.txt](https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel/files/15220506/CiscoMeraki.txt) and...
Hi @joseff8, Please provide update on above comment. Thanks
Hi Started dumping data for parser testing, once data dumping will complete, we will test the parser performance and after that we will merge the PR. Thanks
Hi @joseff8 , Gentle Reminder: We are waiting for your response on this issue. If you still need to keep this issue active, please respond to it in the next...
Hi @ish-rafaeldamiani, We are working with respective team, we will update you. Thanks
Hi @ish-rafaeldamiani, We are waiting for response from respective team, we will update you. Thanks
Hi @ish-rafaeldamiani, Still waiting for response from respective team, we will update you. Thanks
Hi @ish-rafaeldamiani, We are waiting for response from respective team, if we receive any update, we will update you.
Hi @ish-rafaeldamiani, We have received response from receptive team, please use the new Tenant-based Microsoft Defender for Cloud connector, which is in currently PREVIEW state, which allows you to collect...