Hi @hakfo, We updated query of connectivityCriterias,So to unblock you from this issue could you please custom deploy the Solution MainTemplate and check whether your issue get resolved. Sharing the...
Hi @ThePeteStore, Please verify that you provided correct value in below places like workspace,Region etc  Thanks
Hi @hakfo, Please confirm that still you are continuously getting log from this connector. Thanks
Hi @roboftheblues, We are working with concerned team for updating post deployment steps, we will update you. Thanks
Hi @roboftheblues, Still we are working with concerned team for updating steps, we will update you. Thanks
Hi @o-l-a-v, We are checking with the respective team, we will provide you an update soon. Thanks
Hi @o-l-a-v, Still, we are waiting for response from respective team, we will provide you an update till 22 Mar 2024. Thanks
Hi @o-l-a-v, We got response from respective team. They will be working on these connectors soon, they don't provide any ETA. If we got any update related to this, we...
Hi @jamiehuang00, Please work on above comments. Thanks
Hi @jamiehuang00, Please work on above comment. Thanks