Viacheslav Bulynkin
Viacheslav Bulynkin
Logs are the same on all versions as shown above.
For a long time I used the same configuration which worked until the incident. When I installed last nightly build it used another path for configuration so there was no...
Yes, it's local on my machine because on my home computer everything works fine through VPN. But what is the cause of this problem? Why RDP is working only by...
I finally found the cause. It was InfoWatch Device Monitor, the infosec department's spyware. After removing it, RDP in mRemoteNG started working again. Sorry for the false alarm.
Подтверждаю - камера с прошивкой HwV380E200L_K1_WF_20201116 - telnet получить невозможно. Открыт только 8800/tcp open sunwebadmin?
It works only with English characters ```powershell $docFile = "C:\temp\doc.docx" rm $docFile $doc = New-OfficeWord -FilePath $docFile $doc.Settings.FontFamily = 'Times New Roman' $doc.Settings.FontSize = 11 $p1 = New-OfficeWordText -Document $doc...
FontFamilyHighAnsi works, thank you. But there is an interesting thing - spaces, numbers and everything except letters are resistant to font changing. Default font is Arial, so I have etc....