QskSlider misses several features compared to QSlider its counterpart in QQuick Controls 2: - optional ticks - tracking - invertedAppearance - invertedControls - ...
When having millions of rows calculation the y coordinates becomes numerically unstable ( can be seen in the listbox example, when increasing the number of rows ),
QskStackBoxAnimator ( and derived classes ) can be hidden inside of QskStackBox.cpp. When using a cleanup handler, there should be no reason for being QObjects any longer.
Implementing a container organizing its children as accordion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accordion_(GUI)
The well known chicken/egg problem for resizing the scrollable item in combination with having both scrollbars in Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded mode is not yet implemented.
There is no need to rebuild the glyph nodes in situations, where only the text colors have been changed. This is already supported by QskPlainTextRenderer::updateNodeColor, but had been disabled in...
The default skins don't visualize the hovered state.
The implementation of QskSubWindowArea is quite incomplete. Hard to say how far we want to extend its functionality - maybe the scope implemented in QMdiArea is a good starting point.
The approach taken by Qt/Quick attaches layout attributes to the items organized by the layout. I never liked this implementation as the layout settings are often scattered across many lines...