Would be have a specific iterator for the gradient stops so that application code can iterate without having to deal with: - missing stops at 0.0/1.0 ( -> colors are...
Using QSGVertexColorMaterial - instead of QSGFlatColorMaterial - is a waste of memory as the color information is added to each vertex. However using the same material for all shapes and...
A user is often not interested in temporary changes while editing. We need a signal, that is emitted together with QskTextInput::editingChanged( false ). The gradients example can be adjusted then.
Candidates for QskSpinBox improvements: - accelerating: see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qabstractspinbox.html#accelerated-prop - tracking: see QskSlider::tracking: Do not emit valueChanged for intermediate autoRepeat changes - editable: textual input should be possible
the "editable" mode is missing in QskComboBox. - https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qcombobox.html#editable-prop - https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtquick-controls2-combobox.html#editable-prop
We need to have an easy way to request a textual or numerical input from the user. The implementation needs to autodetect if the input method is using a virtual...
In certain skins ( f.e M3 ) an indicator ( f.e a check mark ) is displayed inside the selected segment. The current implementation simply replaces the icon by the...
Let's see how to make better use of the GPU: https://intel.github.io/libva/index.html - JPEG encoding - H.264 encoding - ???
Using cmake instead of qmake
Support for the pseudo encoding "Cursor with Alpha" ( -314 ) should be low hanging fruits