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collection of awk scripts to process or analyze data/csv files

collection of awk scripts useful for doing certain checks on e.g. a csv file. feel free to use them, modify them or republish them.

all scripts have comments at the beginning assisting in the usage of the script.

2field_permutations.awk: script to output the permutations of two specific fields/columns from an input file.

capitalize_all_words.awk: script that capitalizes all words. at the same time sets all other characters of the words to lowercase.

field_header_position.awk: script to find out the position (column) of a selected field/column.

field_highlow.awk: script to output high and low values of a selected field/column from an input file.

field_minmax_length.awk: script to output the min and max length of selected field/column from an input file.

field_permutations.awk: script to output the permutations of a specific field/column from the input file.

field_query.awk: script to output those lines from an input file that correspond to a selected field/column and query string

fields_trim.awk: script to trim space from beginning and end of each field/column of an input file.

field_sum.awk: script to sum up the values of a selected field/column over the input file.

find_non_matching.awk: script matches expressions/words from a matching file against a field/column of the input file.

header_fields.awk: script to output the fields/columns and positions of the first row.

number_of_fields_min_max.awk: script to determine the min and max number of fields/columns over all records from the input file.

replace_invalid_values.awk: script to replace empty or null values with a default value in the output file.

replace_matches.awk: script replaces matching words of a specified field/column in the input file with their subtitutions

last update: 2014-09-19 uwe geercken