### 🐛 bug 描述 Error: ERROR in ./src/.umi-production/plugin-layout/Layout.tsx 129:27-36 export 'ProLayout' (imported as 'ProLayout') was not found in '/home/jenkins/workspace/673_adminweb/node_modules/@ant-design/pro-components' (possible exports: BasicLayout, BetaSchemaForm, CheckCard, ConfigConsumer, ConfigProvider, ConfigProviderWrap, DefaultFooter, DefaultHeader, DescriptionsSkeleton,...
# 🚀 Feature Request add an automatic subpackage for cli, or increase MAX_TRANSACTION_SIZE ## Motivation My package is over the limit ```json package size 81942 bytes { "Error": "API error:...
## ❓ Questions and Help ``` { "Error": "Simulation failed with status: Move abort in 0x1::code: EPACKAGE_DEP_MISSING(0x60005): Dependency could not be resolved to any published package." } ```
The dapp wants to retrieve the return value of a very complex algorithmic data, which does not involve any changes to the information on the chain, and is only read...
Hello maintainer, we want to make a unified standard library, here is a formula, and then all parties come to a consensus to maintain a library https://github.com/move-language/move/issues/345
which is that I found aptos-core code repository maybe be split it . There are many projects with low dependence and high independence, split it will be much simpler and...
https://explorer.sui.io/objects/0x8c259b31d09ca43df98f8d3b4c15c6a52fdf9665 ``` [coin::Coin] ```
std::ascii::String std::string::String ,Simultaneously, sometimes you need to deal with the conversion between the two
Will consider add decimals use balance::create_supply ?
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