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Simulation of USV
I am attempting to simulate a USV in addition to the eca_a9 AUV.
I used the create_new_vehicle link provided and am able to create the USV in gazebo, but the gazebo simulation quickly hangs up and dies with the following message:
gzserver: /home/codymarquardt/catkin_ws/src/uuv_simulator/uuv_gazebo_plugins/uuv_gazebo_plugins/src/UnderwaterObjectPlugin.cc:210: virtual void gazebo::UnderwaterObjectPlugin::Update(const gazebo::common::UpdateInfo&): Assertion `(!std::isnan(linearAccel) && !std::isnan(angularAccel))&&("Linear or angular accelerations are invalid.")' failed. Aborted (core dumped)
I have overcome a few error messages prior to this one, but I cannot seem to get past this one. Any help on this would be appreciated.
A working example of a USV simulation would be the most helpful, but I have not been able to find one so not getting my hopes up
Hi! Master branch of this repo has simulation of an USV. It's still a work in progress as some things don't work properly yet (don't try to run the shell script), but you can at least see the configuration used.
I have the same issue with Plankton, a fork of uuv_sim.
It happens a lot when I activate the control system and path following.
I try and keep my thumb on the throttle when switching from manual to auto and try and point the vessel in the general direction of the first waypoint. It helps.
I suspect there is an issue with large discontinuities in control signals. Jumping from zero velocity or large rotations.
Looking at graphs I can see outrageously large velocity are produced just prior to the crash.