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Is absolute/gps position necessary?
Dear all,
I have just started looking at this amazing project. I saw that the topic /rexrov/gps seemed unused with no subscribers, but on the other hand the node "VelocityControl" was subscribing to odometry from the topic /rexrov/post_gt But unwater robots don't have access to gps and hence no access to absolute position, right? How does that work, what are the poses in /rexrov/post_gt that are being used? If someone could let me know I would greatly appreciate!
Sincerely, Adrian
I have the feeling that it has to do with this bit of code, in VelocityControl.py:
def odometry_callback(self, msg):
"""Handle updated measured velocity callback."""
if not bool(self.config):
linear = msg.twist.twist.linear
angular = msg.twist.twist.angular
v_linear = numpy.array([linear.x, linear.y, linear.z])
v_angular = numpy.array([angular.x, angular.y, angular.z])
if self.config['odom_vel_in_world']:
# This is a temp. workaround for gazebo's pos3d plugin not behaving properly:
# Twist should be provided wrt child_frame, gazebo provides it wrt world frame
# see http://docs.ros.org/api/nav_msgs/html/msg/Odometry.html
xyzw_array = lambda o: numpy.array([o.x, o.y, o.z, o.w])
q_wb = xyzw_array(msg.pose.pose.orientation)
R_bw = trans.quaternion_matrix(q_wb)[0:3, 0:3].transpose()
v_linear = R_bw.dot(v_linear)
v_angular = R_bw.dot(v_angular)
# Compute compute control output:
t = msg.header.stamp.to_sec()
e_v_linear = (self.v_linear_des - v_linear)
e_v_angular = (self.v_angular_des - v_angular)
a_linear = self.pid_linear.regulate(e_v_linear, t)
a_angular = self.pid_angular.regulate(e_v_angular, t)
# Convert and publish accel. command:
cmd_accel = geometry_msgs.Accel()
cmd_accel.linear = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*a_linear)
cmd_accel.angular = geometry_msgs.Vector3(*a_angular)
Is that correct, do I need to change something here in order to not use global / gps coordinates?
Hi @szat is this issue still makes sense?