uuid6-ietf-draft copied to clipboard
Performance testing for UUIDv7
I encourage you to publish here performance testing programmig code, test cases (initial data) and performance testing results both for generation and seach, attaching or indicating UUIDv7 generators, UUIDv7's exact structure, technical spec sheets, generation algorithms, programming langueges, hardware, libraries and DBMS or other platforms. Performance should be expressed, respectively, in UUIDv7's generated or found per millisecond. It would be great if performance tests were universal, and allowed to compare different implementations of UUIDv7 generators
It would be great if you use this pattern:
Author | Repository or reference | Standard, version | Description | Language | Platform | Format | Write frequency, kHz | Read frequency, kHz |
- Version is UUIDv7
- Description is a description of the specific UUID structure (order and length of fields or segments), as the standard allows various options
- Platform is a specific DBMS or other platform for which UUIDv7 are generated
- Format is a binary, text, integer, special UUID, or other format
Performance testing programmig code for the "Read frequency" column:
select count (*) as n from t a
inner join t b on b.id = a.id
Attribute t.id contains 100,000,000 different values of UUIDv7 format generated at full rate
Here are some tests based on Fabio Telles' article (in Portuguese): UUID insert tests.
Result of Test 1 (generate each UUID while inserting):
seq_btree 28029.854 ms 28 s 029 ms 356.762471898712
uuid1_btree 22991.672 ms 22 s 991 ms 434.940094830858
uuid4_btree 211369.757 ms 03 min 31 s 369 ms 47.310457947869
uuid7_btree 97811.904 ms 01 min 37 s 811 ms 102.237044685276
seq_hash 140375.071 ms 02 min 20 s 375 ms 71.237719979496
uuid1_hash 126236.485 ms 02 min 06 s 236 ms 79.216400868576
uuid4_hash 138802.738 ms 02 min 18 s 802 ms 72.044688340369
uuid7_hash 169464.461 ms 02 min 49 s 464 ms 59.009422630506
Result of Test 2 (generate all UUIDs before inserting):
seq_btree 21516.331 ms 21 s 516 ms 464.763253549129
uuid1_btree 38077.444 ms 38 s 077 ms 262.622669735920
uuid4_btree 281123.796 ms 04 min 41 s 123 ms 35.571517396556
uuid7_btree 33079.732 ms 33 s 079 ms 302.299909805798
seq_hash 170375.793 ms 02 min 50 s 375 ms 58.693784040083
uuid1_hash 226407.549 ms 03 min 46 s 407 ms 44.168138580926
uuid4_hash 235586.245 ms 03 min 55 s 586 ms 42.447299926190
uuid7_hash 255430.946 ms 04 min 15 s 430 ms 39.149524192734
- Tests executed on SSD (home computer);
- The function implemented by me for UUIDv7 is not as efficient as the UUID_OSSP functions.
fabiolimace, could you please, for comparability with other implementations, express the generation rate (writing) and the rate of search of generated UUIDv7 (selective reading) in units per millisecond? Please highlight these two values among other values.
Sure! Done.
(I wasn't sure how all the columns were defined, so I took a best guess.)
Author | Repository or reference | Standard, version | Description | Language | Platform | Format | Write frequency, kHz | Read frequency, kHz |
@bgrainger | NGuid 0.2.0 | rfc4122bis-09 | .NET library for generating GUIDs | C# | .NET 7.0 | UUIDv7 | 8,510.6 | n/a |
Test code
var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
const int guidCount = 100_000_000;
for (var i = 0; i < guidCount; i++)
$"{guidCount:n0} v7 GUIDs in {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds:n0}ms; {((double) guidCount / stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds):f1}/ms".Dump();
100,000,000 v7 GUIDs in 11,750ms; 8510.6/ms
Intel Core i7-10875H @ 2.30 GHz
Thank you @bgrainger!
You have achieved high performance!
Sorry for the lack of detailed instructions. I meant the following:
- Version is UUIDv7
- Description is a description of the specific UUID structure (order and length of fields or segments), as the standard allows various options
- Platform is a specific DBMS or other platform for which UUIDv7 are generated
- Format is a binary, text, integer, special UUID, or other format
I tried to follow @bgrainger example as close as possible. Since my code does both UUIDv7 and UUIDv4 generation, I expanded both table and code a bit.
Author | Repository or reference | Standard, version | Description | Language | Platform | Format | Write frequency, kHz | Read frequency, kHz |
Josip Medved | Medo.Uuid7 | rfc4122bis-09 | .NET library for generating v7 and v4 UUIDs | C# | .NET 7.0, .NET Standard 2.0 | UUIDv7 (48-bit timestamp, 26-bit counter with rollover guard, 48-bit random) | 13401.2 | n/a |
Josip Medved | Medo.Uuid7 | rfc4122bis-09 | .NET library for generating v7 and v4 UUIDs | C# | .NET 7.0, .NET Standard 2.0 | UUIDv4 (122-bit random) | 23849.3 | n/a |
Test Code
using Medo; using System.Diagnostics;{
var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
const int guidCount = 100_000_000;
for (var i = 0; i < guidCount; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"{guidCount:n0} v4 UUIDs in {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds:n0}ms; {((double)guidCount / stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds):f1}/ms");
var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
const int guidCount = 100_000_000;
for (var i = 0; i < guidCount; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"{guidCount:n0} v7 UUIDs in {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds:n0}ms; {((double)guidCount / stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds):f1}/ms");
100,000,000 v4 UUIDs in 4,193ms; 23849.3/ms
100,000,000 v7 UUIDs in 7,462ms; 13401.2/ms
Intel Core i5-1135G7 @ 2.40 GHz
It seems like it is impossible to test UUID generation since that is more or less just testing the underlying RNG and how fast it is to get a timestamp. Wall time is still a useful metric, but the underlying cause is potentially a bit misleading.
Also, what is "parsing"? Just checking string length minus hyphens? Extracting version classifier?
Testing https://docs.rs/uuid/latest/uuid using the default RNG:
test 'uuidv1 new now' completed with period 26.806 ns and frequency 37.305 MHz
test 'uuidv1 new fixed timestamp' completed with period 1.020 ns and frequency 980.576 MHz
test 'uuidv4 new' completed with period 172.896 ns and frequency 5.784 MHz
test 'uuidv6 new now' completed with period 29.787 ns and frequency 33.572 MHz
test 'uuidv6 new fixed timestamp' completed with period 1.022 ns and frequency 978.888 MHz
test 'uuidv7 new now' completed with period 201.918 ns and frequency 4.953 MHz
test 'uuidv7 new fixed timestamp' completed with period 171.160 ns and frequency 5.842 MHz
test 'uuidv7 parse' completed with period 16.037 ns and frequency 62.354 MHz
test 'uuidv7 parse hyphenated' completed with period 16.692 ns and frequency 59.910 MHz
Enabling the crate's feature fast-rng
test 'uuidv1 new now' completed with period 27.239 ns and frequency 36.712 MHz
test 'uuidv1 new fixed timestamp' completed with period 1.031 ns and frequency 969.697 MHz
test 'uuidv4 new' completed with period 24.752 ns and frequency 40.402 MHz
test 'uuidv6 new now' completed with period 30.296 ns and frequency 33.008 MHz
test 'uuidv6 new fixed timestamp' completed with period 1.026 ns and frequency 974.682 MHz
test 'uuidv7 new now' completed with period 41.864 ns and frequency 23.887 MHz
test 'uuidv7 new fixed timestamp' completed with period 24.839 ns and frequency 40.259 MHz
test 'uuidv7 parse' completed with period 16.071 ns and frequency 62.222 MHz
test 'uuidv7 parse hyphenated' completed with period 16.809 ns and frequency 59.491 MHz
The difference between the two is pretty telling about the impact the RNG has. v1 and v6 also show that they more or less evaluate the speed of getting a system timestamp.If I remove the black_box
around the MAC argument, I get 4874.435 MHz 🙂
Run on an AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
Test source
use std::{hint::black_box, time::SystemTime};
use uuid::{NoContext, Uuid};
const WARMUP: u32 = 10_000;
const COUNT: u32 = 5_000_000;
const PARSE: &str = "a1a2a3a4b1b2c1c2d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8";
const PARSE_HYPHENATED: &str = "a1a2a3a4-b1b2-c1c2-d1d2-d3d4d5d6d7d8";
fn main() {
let ts_stored = uuid::Timestamp::now(NoContext);
run_bench("uuidv1 new now", || {
Uuid::now_v1(black_box(&[0; 6]));
run_bench("uuidv1 new fixed timestamp", || {
Uuid::new_v1(black_box(ts_stored), black_box(&[0; 6]));
run_bench("uuidv4 new", || {
run_bench("uuidv6 new now", || {
Uuid::now_v6(black_box(&[0; 6]));
run_bench("uuidv6 new fixed timestamp", || {
Uuid::new_v6(black_box(ts_stored), black_box(&[0; 6]));
run_bench("uuidv7 new now", || {
run_bench("uuidv7 new fixed timestamp", || {
run_bench("uuidv7 parse", || {
run_bench("uuidv7 parse hyphenated", || {
fn run_bench(name: &str, func: impl Fn()) {
for _ in 0..WARMUP {
let start = SystemTime::now();
for _ in 0..COUNT {
let duration = start.elapsed().unwrap().as_secs_f64();
let t = duration / f64::from(COUNT);
let t_ns = t / 1e-9;
let f = 1.0 / t;
let f_mhz = f / 1e6;
println!("test '{name}' completed with period {t_ns:.3} ns and frequency {f_mhz:.3} MHz");
It seems like it is impossible to test UUID generation since that is more or less just testing the underlying RNG and how fast it is to get a timestamp.
It seems to me that you are testing UUID generation rate, but instead you need to test rate of insertion and indexing of table records containing UUIDs generated on the fly. Above this is called Write frequency (kHz). It depends not only on the generation rate, but also on the DBMS, on the structure of the UUID and possible deviations from monotonicity.
It is also necessary to test Read frequency (kHz) for these inserted records in accordance with the Performance testing programmig code for the "Read frequency" column, as described:
select count (*) as n from t a
inner join t b on b.id = a.id
Attribute t.id contains 100,000,000 different values of UUIDv7 format generated at full rate
The above C# examples seem to be generation tests and not db tests, no? Or was that not the intent?
The above C# examples seem to be generation tests and not db tests, no? Or was that not the intent?
Everyone is interested in the final result (database performance with UUIDv7 for writing with indexing, as well as for searching), but not the intermediate result (generation rate). Database performance depends not only on the generation rate, but also on the successful choice of the UUIDv7 structure from many possible options and on the algorithms for calculating and buffering UUIDv7 segments. For different DBMSs and different settings of a certain DBMS, the optimal UUIDv7 structure and algorithms may be different. It is important to remember that UUIDv7 implementations compete not only with each other, but also with autoincrement. The goal of performance testing is ultimately to find a UUIDv7 implementation that can compete with autoincrement. No one is interested in the performance of a timestamp source or random number generator per se.
See https://github.com/x4m/pg_uuid_next/issues/1
Author | Repository or reference | Standard, version | Description | Language | Platform | Format | Write frequency, kHz | Read frequency, kHz |
Python | lib/uuid | RFC 4122 | Standard Python UUID library | Python | Python | UUIDv4 | 640.48 | n/a |
@aminalaee | uuid-utils | RFC 4122 | Python UUID implementation using Rust's UUID library | Rust / Python | Python | UUIDv4 | 7880.61 | n/a |
@aminalaee | uuid-utils | rfc4122bis-09 | Python UUID implementation using Rust's UUID library | Rust / Python | Python | UUIDv7 | 6552.52 | n/a |
Test source
import timeit
code_to_test_native = """uuid.uuid4()"""
code_to_test_lib = """uuid_utils.uuid4()"""
code_to_test_lib_uuid7 = """uuid_utils.uuid7()"""
# Setup code
setup_code = """
import uuid
import uuid_utils
number = 100_000_000
elapsed_time_native = timeit.timeit(code_to_test_native, setup_code, number=number)
rate_native = (number / elapsed_time_native) / 1000
elapsed_time_lib = timeit.timeit(code_to_test_lib, setup_code, number=number)
rate_lib = (number / elapsed_time_lib) / 1000
elapsed_time_lib_uuid_v7 = timeit.timeit(code_to_test_lib_uuid7, setup_code, number=number)
rate_lib_uuid7 = (number / elapsed_time_lib_uuid_v7) / 1000
print(f"The native UUID v4 generation rate is approximately {rate_native:.2f} kHz")
print(f"The uuid-utils' UUID v4 generation rate is approximately {rate_lib:.2f} kHz")
print(f"The uuid-utils' UUID v7 generation rate is approximately {rate_lib_uuid7:.2f} kHz")
# Ryzen 9 5950X in WSL2 on Windows 11
@Zer0x00 Thanks for the effort. Is there any way to use Python timeit
instead? I think you can get more independent
results from that.
@Zer0x00 Thanks for the effort. Is there any way to use Python
instead? I think you can get more independent results from that.
I've updated the code and the values in the original post to use the timeit