Matthieu S.
Matthieu S.
One way to fix this would be to use, in the GoloClassLoader, the version of defineClass that supports the a custom ProtectionDomain that can thus encapsulate a correct CodeSource object...
I have implemented the mentioned fix in this commit : Should I open a pull request for this? @yloiseau
I also added support for golosh in So now both `golo golo` and `golosh` have support for CodeSource, which fully fixes this issue.
Well I guess I didn't express myself clearly for the third party stuff, which meant "something outside of Golo" in that case. I still do not think having to use...
Well, seeing that compiled classes and JARs give access to this data, I think it should be added to Golo for the sake of completeness. (and yeah, my use case...
Postponed because 0.7 is already large enough changes-wise.
This includes using `/Thing` instead of `/#/Thing`. Development support for this on the Docsify side is absent (see
Another way of doing this, and this will probably be how things will be done: When a user joins the server for the first time, check if they can receive...
Pretty much impossible in the way EpiLink is currently coded, there's a high chance this just never happens. Restarting EpiLink is already quite fast with rule caching, so hot-reload is...
I'm leaving this open as it is still a nice-to-have, just not a nice-to-have-right-now