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Multiple issues with schema generation: field order, value classes and custom handling
Hi, I just tried Tegral OpenAPI Ktor Plugins for the first time. It's kinda nice, but schema generation has multiple problems. I'll provide an example:
Here is my model, hopefully with all its dependencies so that it can be used in a reproducer:
// The body model
data class CommitteesTimeSlotsBody(
val event: Event,
val committees: Set<Committee>,
All types used
data class Committee(
val id: CommitteeId,
val attendance: Set<DateRange>
value class CommitteeId(val value: String) {
override fun toString() = value
@Serializable(with = OffsetDateSerializer::class)
class Date(
* Epoch milliseconds
val time: Long
) : Comparable<Date> {
companion object {
fun now() = Date(System.currentTimeMillis())
fun parse(isoOffsetDate: String): Date =
operator fun plus(duration: Duration): Date =
Date(time + duration.inWholeMilliseconds)
operator fun minus(date: Date): Duration {
require(this >= date) {
"Date minus provided Date would create negative duration"
return (time - date.time).milliseconds
fun format(): String =
ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(time), ZoneId.of("UTC"))
data class DateRange(
val start: Date,
val end: Date
) {
val duration: Duration
get() = end - start
data class Event(
val id: EventId,
val schedule: Set<DateRange>,
val interviewDuration: Duration,
val pauseDuration: Duration = Duration.ZERO,
value class EventId(val value: String) {
override fun toString() = value
object OffsetDateSerializer : KSerializer<Date> {
override val descriptor =
PrimitiveSerialDescriptor("OffsetDateSerializer", PrimitiveKind.STRING)
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder) =
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: Date) {
I have a Resource
defined like this:
class CommitteesTimeSlots {
companion object : ResourceDescription by describeResource({
body {
json {
val now = Date.now()
val schedule = setOf(DateRange(now, now + 3.hours))
event = Event(
id = EventId("event-id"),
schedule = schedule,
interviewDuration = 10.minutes,
pauseDuration = Duration.ZERO,
committees = setOf(
id = CommitteeId("committee-id"),
attendance = schedule,
In an ideal world, this is the generated json schema I'd like to see:
"event": {
"id": "event-id",
"schedule": [
"start": "2022-12-09T09:52:09.460Z",
"end": "2022-12-09T12:52:09.460Z"
"interviewDuration": 600000,
"pauseDuration": 0
"committees": [
"id": "committee-id",
"attendance": [
"start": "2022-12-09T09:52:09.460Z",
"end": "2022-12-09T12:52:09.460Z"
And this is what I get:
"event": {
"schedule": [
"start": {
"time": 1670579529460
"end": {
"time": 1670590329460
"duration-UwyO8pc": 21600000000000
"interviewDuration-UwyO8pc": 1200000000000,
"id-it7Ee5o": "event-id",
"pauseDuration-UwyO8pc": 0
"committees": [
"attendance": [
"start": {
"time": 1670579529460
"end": {
"time": 1670590329460
"duration-UwyO8pc": 21600000000000
"id-5s7UXzY": "committee-id"
Here's a list of what I think fails / is lacking:
- [Â ] Model field order could be kept, that would be nice
- [ ] Some fields are serialized, but they should not, like the
property onDateRange
- [Â ] Some field names are mangled, looks like it's all
value class
typed values - [Â ] It would be nice to be able to provide / use custom serializers, for example for my
type here. Maybe add an option to usekotlinx.serialization
somehow, or just a way to pass a custom lambda in an annotation or something
Most of these issues can be fixed by cluttering the source code with a lot of Jackson annotations. For anyone passing by with similar issues, here's how I fixed them:
Some fields are serialized, but they should not, like the
property onDateRange
Fixed using @JsonIgnore
, one of two ways:
val duration: Duration
get() = end - start
val duration: Duration
get() = end - start
Some field names are mangled, looks like it's all
value class
typed values
Fixed with @JsonProperty
on the get
ter of value class
data class Committee(
val id: CommitteeId,
val attendance: Set<DateRange>
It would be nice to be able to provide / use custom serializers, for example for my
type here. Maybe add an option to usekotlinx.serialization
somehow, or just a way to pass a custom lambda in an annotation or something
We can actually use custom Jackson serializers, for example for Date
object DateSerializer : JsonSerializer<Date>() {
override fun serialize(value: Date, gen: JsonGenerator, serializers: SerializerProvider) {
Then, every time we have a field of type Date
in a model:
data class DateRange(
@get:JsonSerialize(using = DateSerializer::class)
val start: Date,
@get:JsonSerialize(using = DateSerializer::class)
val end: Date,
And good luck implementing every single serializer twice for kotlinx.serialization and Jackson.
While it works, this adds a lot of clutter. It also works in my current Kotlin/JVM project, but I have a lot of Kotlin/Multiplatform projects where models are defined in common
Kotlin code where JVM annotations aren't allowed, I'd probably have to make a KMP module wrapping Jackson annotations to use them in common
code and clutter my whole codebase :)
I also did not find a way to keep the declared field order in the output, yet. Right now the output field order seems to be random. It's not super important as json does not have key order in objects, but here for json that is supposed to be read by humans, it would be cool to have.
Hi, thanks for your detailed issue! I unfortunately don't think there's much that can be done in Tegral without reimplementing parts of Swagger Core (which is planned)
For a bit of context (and as you probably guessed), Swagger Core mainly deals with Jackson annotations and internally uses Jackson, but it should be possible to implement the required parts
Model field order could be kept, that would be nice
I'm not sure of whether Tegral OpenAPI, Swagger Core or Jackson is the culprit here, that will have to be investigated.
- Some fields are serialized, but they should not, like the
property onDateRange
- It would be nice to be able to provide / use custom serializers, for example for my Date type here. Maybe add an option to use kotlinx.serialization somehow, or just a way to pass a custom lambda in an annotation or something
Both of these are because Swagger Core only considers Jackson annotations, and not kotlinx.serialization
I'll do my best to address all of these issues in #55 and will use your classes as test data.
For the mangling part, I have no idea how inlined value classes are depicted when using reflection, so I'll have to check how that works.
Out of curiosity, is Ktor correctly serializing your data like you'd expect in the JSON schema?
Out of curiosity, is Ktor correctly serializing your data like you'd expect in the JSON schema?
I'm not exactly sure what you ask here, but yes, kotlinx.serialization
works as expected. The code I provided only lacks some @SerialName("…")
annotations on data classes (not fields) so that when logging the serial names of classes don't contain their full package (makes the logs more readable), but other than that it's the full model code and it works.