
Results 33 comments of utka1

@Reloow1r хз, нет такой проблемы(и не было) бекап и заново поставь?

@Reloow1r 1) ЖДАЛ 2) уменьшил количество одновременных запросов 3) задержки тонко настроил, подбирал, чтоб не банило

steam inentory helper lets u sell unlimited amount of items for one price and there is a feature in 1st bot that could sell it all automatically

if u got a problem clikin' it on mobile

then use 'frep' app from play market (root required) just build a script and sell w 1 click

Ура! Макс - ты топ!

@mtzi last ban lasts for exactly 8 hours. anyway, ty

там кнопка есть - закрыть тред

@Civiliangem0 1) to ask about bots on bot's developer's site... well, it's like u visited a woman and asked she if there are some cool girls living around her 2)...

@Civiliangem0 ye, i use it. but i use old version because i use it in specific way. recommended ofc