python-osrm copied to clipboard
fix for #56
instead of reverting to older version - please consider following changes to - seems i can not open a PR
-- coding: utf-8 --
import numpy as np import polyline # from polyline.codec import PolylineCodec
from polyline import encode as polyline_encode
from pandas import DataFrame from . import RequestConfig
try: from urllib.request import urlopen, Request from urllib.parse import quote except: from urllib2 import urlopen, Request from urllib2 import quote
try: from osgeo.ogr import Geometry except: from ogr import Geometry
import json
def _chain(*lists): for li in lists: for elem in li: yield elem
def check_host(host): """ Helper function to get the hostname in desired format """ if not ('http' in host and '//' in host) and host[len(host)-1] == '/': return ''.join(['http://', host[:len(host)-1]]) elif not ('http' in host and '//' in host): return ''.join(['http://', host]) elif host[len(host)-1] == '/': return host[:len(host)-1] else: return host
def match(points, steps=False, overview="simplified", geometry="polyline", timestamps=None, radius=None, annotations="false", gaps="split", tidy=False, waypoints=None, url_config=RequestConfig): """ Function wrapping OSRM 'match' function, returning the reponse in JSON
points : list of tuple/list of point
A sequence of points as (x ,y) where x is longitude and y is latitude.
steps : bool, optional
Default is False.
overview : str, optional
Query for the geometry overview, either "simplified", "full" or "false"
(Default: "simplified")
geometry : str, optional
Format in which decode the geometry, either "polyline" (ie. not decoded),
"geojson", "WKT" or "WKB" (default: "polyline").
timestamps : list of timestamp, optional
radius : list of float, optional
annotations : bool, optional
gaps : str, optional
tidy : bool, optional
waypoints : list of tuple/list of point, optional
url_config : osrm.RequestConfig, optional
Parameters regarding the host, version and profile to use
The response from the osrm instance, parsed as a dict
host = check_host(
url = [
host, '/match/', url_config.version, '/', url_config.profile, '/',
[','.join([str(coord[0]), str(coord[1])]) for coord in points]),
.format(overview, str(steps).lower(), geometry, annotations, gaps, str(tidy).lower())
if radius:
url.append(";".join([str(rad) for rad in radius]))
if timestamps:
url.append(";".join([str(timestamp) for timestamp in timestamps]))
if waypoints:
url.append(";".join([str(waypoint) for waypoint in waypoints]))
req = Request("".join(url))
if url_config.auth:
req.add_header("Authorization", url_config.auth)
r = urlopen(req)
r_json = json.loads('utf-8'))
if "code" not in r_json or "Ok" not in r_json["code"]:
if 'matchings' in r_json.keys():
for i, _ in enumerate(r_json['matchings']):
geom_encoded = r_json["matchings"][i]["geometry"]
geom_decoded = [[point[1] / 10.0,
point[0] / 10.0] for point
in polyline.decode(geom_encoded)]
r_json["matchings"][i]["geometry"] = geom_decoded
print('No matching geometry to decode')
return r_json
def decode_geom(encoded_polyline): """ Function decoding an encoded polyline (with 'encoded polyline algorithm') and returning an ogr.Geometry object
encoded_polyline : str
The encoded string to decode.
line : ogr.Geometry
The line geometry, as an ogr.Geometry instance.
ma_ligne = Geometry(2)
lineAddPts = ma_ligne.AddPoint_2D
for coord in polyline.decode(encoded_polyline):
lineAddPts(coord[1], coord[0])
return ma_ligne
def simple_route(coord_origin, coord_dest, coord_intermediate=None, alternatives=False, steps=False, output="full", geometry='polyline', overview="simplified", annotations='true', continue_straight='default', url_config=RequestConfig, send_as_polyline=True): """ Function wrapping OSRM 'viaroute' function and returning the JSON reponse with the route_geometry decoded (in WKT or WKB) if needed.
coord_origin : list/tuple of two floats
(x ,y) where x is longitude and y is latitude
coord_dest : list/tuple of two floats
(x ,y) where x is longitude and y is latitude
coord_intermediate : list of 2-floats list/tuple
[(x ,y), (x, y), ...] where x is longitude and y is latitude
alternatives : bool, optional
Query (and resolve geometry if asked) for alternatives routes
(default: False)
output : str, optional
Define the type of output (full response or only route(s)), default : "full".
geometry : str, optional
Format in which decode the geometry, either "polyline" (ie. not decoded),
"geojson", "WKT" or "WKB" (default: "polyline").
annotations : str, optional
continue_straight : str, optional
overview : str, optional
Query for the geometry overview, either "simplified", "full" or "false"
(Default: "simplified")
url_config : osrm.RequestConfig, optional
Parameters regarding the host, version and profile to use
result : dict
The result, parsed as a dict, with the geometry decoded in the format
defined in `geometry`.
if geometry.lower() not in ('wkt', 'well-known-text', 'text', 'polyline',
'wkb', 'well-known-binary', 'geojson'):
raise ValueError("Invalid output format")
geom_request = "geojson" if "geojson" in geometry.lower() \
else "polyline"
host = check_host(
if not send_as_polyline:
url = [host, "/route/", url_config.version, "/", url_config.profile,
"/", "{},{}".format(coord_origin[0], coord_origin[1]), ';']
if coord_intermediate:
[','.join([str(i), str(j)]) for i, j in coord_intermediate]))
'{},{}'.format(coord_dest[0], coord_dest[1]),
overview, str(steps).lower(),
str(alternatives).lower(), geom_request, annotations,
coords = [
pt[::-1] for pt in _chain(
coord_intermediate if coord_intermediate else [],
url = [
host, "/route/", url_config.version, "/", url_config.profile, "/",
"polyline(", quote(polyline.encode(coords)), ")",
overview, str(steps).lower(),
str(alternatives).lower(), geom_request, annotations,
req = Request("".join(url))
if url_config.auth:
req.add_header("Authorization", url_config.auth)
rep = urlopen(req)
parsed_json = json.loads('utf-8'))
if "Ok" in parsed_json['code']:
if geometry in ("polyline", "geojson") and output == "full":
return parsed_json
elif geometry in ("polyline", "geojson") and output == "routes":
return parsed_json["routes"]
if geometry == "wkb":
func = Geometry.ExportToWkb
elif geometry == "wkt":
func = Geometry.ExportToWkt
for route in parsed_json["routes"]:
route["geometry"] = func(decode_geom(route["geometry"]))
return parsed_json if output == "full" else parsed_json["routes"]
raise ValueError(
'Error - OSRM status : {} \n Full json reponse : {}'.format(
parsed_json['code'], parsed_json))
def table(coords_src, coords_dest=None, ids_origin=None, ids_dest=None, output='np', minutes=False, annotations='duration', url_config=RequestConfig, send_as_polyline=True): """ Function wrapping OSRM 'table' function in order to get a matrix of time distance as a numpy array or as a DataFrame
coords_src : list
A list of coord as (longitude, latitude) , like :
list_coords = [(21.3224, 45.2358),
(21.3856, 42.0094),
(20.9574, 41.5286)] (coords have to be float)
coords_dest : list, optional
A list of coord as (longitude, latitude) , like :
list_coords = [(21.3224, 45.2358),
(21.3856, 42.0094),
(20.9574, 41.5286)] (coords have to be float)
ids_origin : list, optional
A list of name/id to use to label the source axis of
the result `DataFrame` (default: None).
ids_dest : list, optional
A list of name/id to use to label the destination axis of
the result `DataFrame` (default: None).
output : str, optional
The type of annotated matrice to return (DataFrame or numpy array)
'raw' for the (parsed) json response from OSRM
'pandas', 'df' or 'DataFrame' for a DataFrame
'numpy', 'array' or 'np' for a numpy array (default is "np")
annotations : str, optional
Either 'duration' (default) or 'distance'
url_config: osrm.RequestConfig, optional
Parameters regarding the host, version and profile to use
- if output=='raw' : a dict, the parsed json response.
- if output=='np' : a numpy.ndarray containing the time in minutes,
a list of snapped origin coordinates,
a list of snapped destination coordinates.
- if output=='pandas' : a labeled DataFrame containing the time matrix in minutes,
a list of snapped origin coordinates,
a list of snapped destination coordinates.
if output.lower() in ('numpy', 'array', 'np'):
output = 1
elif output.lower() in ('pandas', 'dataframe', 'df'):
output = 2
output = 3
host = check_host(
url = ''.join(
[host, '/table/', url_config.version, '/', url_config.profile, '/'])
if not send_as_polyline:
if not coords_dest:
url = ''.join([
';'.join([','.join([str(coord[0]), str(coord[1])])
for coord in coords_src]),
src_end = len(coords_src)
dest_end = src_end + len(coords_dest)
url = ''.join([
';'.join([','.join([str(coord[0]), str(coord[1])])
for coord in _chain(coords_src, coords_dest)]),
';'.join([str(i) for i in range(src_end)]),
';'.join([str(j) for j in range(src_end, dest_end)]),
if not coords_dest:
url = ''.join([
quote(polyline.encode([(c[1], c[0]) for c in coords_src])),
src_end = len(coords_src)
dest_end = src_end + len(coords_dest)
url = ''.join([
[(c[1], c[0]) for c in _chain(coords_src, coords_dest)])),
';'.join([str(i) for i in range(src_end)]),
';'.join([str(j) for j in range(src_end, dest_end)]),
req = Request(url)
if url_config.auth:
req.add_header("Authorization", url_config.auth)
rep = urlopen(req)
parsed_json = json.loads('utf-8'))
if "code" not in parsed_json or "Ok" not in parsed_json["code"]:
raise ValueError('No distance table return by OSRM instance')
elif output == 3:
return parsed_json
annoted = np.array(parsed_json['{}s'.format(annotations)], dtype=float)
new_src_coords = [ft["location"] for ft in parsed_json["sources"]]
new_dest_coords = None if not coords_dest \
else [ft["location"] for ft in parsed_json["destinations"]]
if minutes and annotations == 'duration': # Conversion in minutes with 2 decimals:
annoted = np.around((annoted / 60), 2)
if output == 2:
if not ids_origin:
ids_origin = [i for i in range(len(coords_src))]
if not ids_dest:
ids_dest = ids_origin if not coords_dest \
else [i for i in range(len(coords_dest))]
annoted = DataFrame(annoted,
return annoted, new_src_coords, new_dest_coords
def nearest(coord, number=1, url_config=RequestConfig): """ Useless function wrapping OSRM 'nearest' function, returning the reponse in JSON
coord : list/tuple of two floats
(x ,y) where x is longitude and y is latitude
number : int, optional
url_config : osrm.RequestConfig, optional
Parameters regarding the host, version and profile to use
result : dict
The response from the osrm instance, parsed as a dict
host = check_host(
url = ''.join([
host, '/nearest/', url_config.version, '/', url_config.profile, '/',
','.join(map(str, coord)), '?number={}'.format(number)
req = Request(url)
if url_config.auth:
req.add_header("Authorization", url_config.auth)
rep = urlopen(req)
parsed_json = json.loads('utf-8'))
return parsed_json
def trip(coords, steps=False, output="full", geometry='polyline', overview="simplified", roundtrip=True, source="any", destination="any", annotations="false", url_config=RequestConfig, send_as_polyline=True): """ Function wrapping OSRM 'trip' function and returning the JSON reponse with the route_geometry decoded (in WKT or WKB) if needed.
coord_origin : list/tuple of two floats
(x ,y) where x is longitude and y is latitude
steps : bool, default False
output : str, default 'full'
Define the type of output (full response or only route(s))
geometry : str, optional
Format in which decode the geometry, either "polyline" (ie. not decoded),
"geojson", "WKT" or "WKB" (default: "polyline").
overview : str, optional
Query for the geometry overview, either "simplified", "full" or "false"
(Default: "simplified")
roundtrip : bool, optional
source : str, optional
destination : str, optional
annotations : str, optional
url_config : osrm.RequestConfig, optional
Parameters regarding the host, version and profile to use
- if 'only_index' : a dict containing respective indexes
of trips and waypoints
- if 'raw' : the original json returned by OSRM
- if 'WKT' : the json returned by OSRM with the 'route_geometry' converted
in WKT format
- if 'WKB' : the json returned by OSRM with the 'route_geometry' converted
in WKB format
if geometry.lower() not in ('wkt', 'well-known-text', 'text', 'polyline',
'wkb', 'well-known-binary', 'geojson'):
raise ValueError("Invalid output format")
geom_request = "geojson" if "geojson" in geometry.lower() \
else "polyline"
host = check_host(
coords_request = \
quote(polyline.encode([(c[1], c[0]) for c in coords])),
')']) \
if send_as_polyline \
else ';'.join([','.join([str(c[0]), str(c[1])]) for c in coords])
url = ''.join([
host, '/trip/', url_config.version, '/', url_config.profile, '/',
req = Request(url)
if url_config.auth:
req.add_header("Authorization", url_config.auth)
rep = urlopen(req)
parsed_json = json.loads('utf-8'))
if "Ok" in parsed_json['code']:
if "only_index" in output:
return [
{"waypoint": i["waypoint_index"], "trip": i["trips_index"]}
for i in parsed_json['waypoints']
if geometry in ("polyline", "geojson") and output == "full":
return parsed_json
elif geometry in ("polyline", "geojson") and output == "trip":
return parsed_json["trips"]
func = Geometry.ExportToWkb if geometry == "wkb" \
else Geometry.ExportToWkt
for trip_route in parsed_json["trips"]:
trip_route["geometry"] = func(decode_geom(
return parsed_json if output == "full" else parsed_json["routes"]
raise ValueError(
'Error - OSRM status : {} \n Full json reponse : {}'
.format(parsed_json['code'], parsed_json))
@hannesaddec Thank you for suggesting a change. What issue do you have opening a PR?