better-scroll icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
better-scroll copied to clipboard

:scroll: inspired by iscroll, and it supports more features and has a better scroll perfermance

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### Version 2.4.2 ### Reproduction link []( ### Steps to reproduce 基本使用 ![微信图片_20231017132438]( ### What is expected? 不影响点击选项选择 ### What is actually happening? 产生间距导致点击范围变小,点击到间距的时候不会触发选择 --- 我认为rotate应该作用于.wheel-item的子元素,而不是.wheel-item本身

### What problem does this feature solve? 想做可以设置卡片间距,并且左右两端能显示上小部分前后卡片。 ### What does the proposed API look like? 卡片之间设置一定间距,并且左右两端能显示上小部分前后卡片。让用户直观的感受到可以左右滑动。 如何实现?

### Version 2.5.1 ### Reproduction link []( ### Steps to reproduce 机器:macbookpro m1pro 操作系统:ventura 13.4.1 浏览器:safari 16.5.2 不使用鼠标(没有连接鼠标),直接使用触控板滑动内容(开启mouseWheel),滚动过程中内容会一直抖动。 而chrome浏览器却是正常 ### What is expected? 平滑的滚动 ### What is actually happening? 抖动的滚动...

### What problem does this feature solve? 在竖向滑动bs里嵌套横向滑动bs的情况下。由于在两个bs里都有内容需要点击,根据文档里的说明,为了避免横向bs内容点击发出两次click事件,我必须在横向bs里设置stopPropagation:true。这样会吧所有事件都阻止冒泡,导致手指在横向bs区域内上下滑的话无法触发竖向bs的滑动。但如果不设置stopPropagation:true,虽然可以解决横向bs区域内的竖向滑动响应问题,点击横向bs内的元素又会触发2次click ### What does the proposed API look like? 提供click专用的stopPropagation设置,比如stopClickPropagation,用来单独组织click事件的冒泡

bs.value = new BScroll(wrapper.value, { scrolly: true, probeType: 3, click: true, pullDownRefresh: { stop: 30, threshold: 40, }, // 动画 bounce: { top: true, bottom: true, left: true, right: true,...

### What problem does this feature solve? The [wheel plugin]( is great for implementing iOS-style pickers. However, similar to native iOS date/time picker UI, it would be useful to be...
