CredSniper copied to clipboard
TypeError: super() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)
I insalled it in Kali iwas getting internal serrver error
i tried to install it in ubuntu on digitalocean After fixing some issues due to missing libraries, I got the final error
@jojo :/home/CredSniper# python --module gmail --twofactor --port 443 --ssl --final --hostname xxxxxx
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 120, in
This is most likely a python version problem. Whatever version of python you're running (2 or 3), try the other one and see if that works.
This is most likely a python version problem. Whatever version of python .nliqyou're running (2 or 3), try the other one - [ ] # and see if that lll~~ Lplpl. Zz