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Cyber Panel - The hosting control panel for OpenLiteSpeed

Results 227 cyberpanel issues
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It would be cool to have ablity to enable email aliases for the domains

Dear @usmannasir, Can you move all CyberPanel repositories into an organization? - - - - - - It will be better for this project....

**Describe the bug** When editing PHP configurations for a site and selecting `PHP 8.2`, the following error is shown: `Error message: local variable 'post_max_size' referenced before assignment` **To Reproduce** What...

Tried to connect the server through but it doesn't work after following this tutorial: to access CyberPanel without port and through domain name. Also port 8090 is blocked...

**Describe the bug** When trying to run `cyberpanel version`, the following error occurs: ```py Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/cyberpanel", line 1603, in main() File "/usr/bin/cyberpanel", line 1357, in...

**Important** When I run the upgrade script on the server, cyberpanel is not accessible and always shows 503. But the websites that were created before, are working fine. **Describe the...

This change adds php 80, 81 and 82 to the missing places. And removes .bak file from the read me. Updating the readme to add php 8.2 Add php limit...

I just tried today to give access to some clients via FTP to one of my subdomains (specific directory access, not whole directories) and saw that the default quota of...

This change adds php 80, 81, and 82 to the missing places. And removes the .bak file from the read me. Updating the readme to add php 8.2 Add php...

**Describe the bug** Special characters are not allowed for SFTP passwords of a backup destination **To Reproduce** What steps did you take when the issue occurred? 1. Go to https://$DOMAIN:8090/backup/backupDestinations...