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SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE: certificate verify failed

Open betabank opened this issue 8 years ago • 15 comments

Hi, when issuing: glacier-cmd lsvault we get: ssl.SSLError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:492: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed

Open SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013 CentOS 6.8 Python 2.6.6

betabank avatar Jun 22 '16 19:06 betabank

I am getting this same error as well with all glacier-cmd commands. It looks like on June 3rd, 2016 is when this issue started happening for us.

kmcg440 avatar Jun 23 '16 13:06 kmcg440

I did an upgrade on our server and it fixed the issue. Not sure which package it was that fixed it but here is the list of what was upgraded. openssl3

kmcg440 avatar Jun 28 '16 15:06 kmcg440

I still get the error.

# yum update
No Packages marked for Update

#  rpm --query centos-release

# openssl version
OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013

# python --version
Python 2.6.6

# glacier-cmd lsvault
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/glacier-cmd", line 9, in <module>
    load_entry_point('glacier==0.2.dev0', 'console_scripts', 'glacier-cmd')()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/glacier-0.2.dev0-py2.6.egg/glacier/", line 929, in main
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/boto-2.39.0-py2.6.egg/boto/", line 1030, in _mexe
    raise ex
ssl.SSLError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:492: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed

kitchin avatar Jul 01 '16 11:07 kitchin

This is an SSL verification issue another workaround that works is to edit /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/boto-2.39.0-py2.7.egg/boto/ and set validate_certs=True to False. This will stop the error but is insecure. Its under class AWSAuthConnection(object)

kmcg440 avatar Jul 02 '16 18:07 kmcg440

I see this too. CentOS 7.2 with all current updates. I also updated all of the python dependencies installed via pip. Since disabling cert validation in boto works around the problem, I suppose the problem is actually in boto and not glacier-cmd itself. I also tried updating boto's cert list (/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/boto/cacerts/cacerts.txt on my system) from the locations listed in the file, with no change.

ebyrne242 avatar Jul 12 '16 14:07 ebyrne242

Same, also getting this error.

CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) all updates applied.

ghost avatar Jul 20 '16 03:07 ghost

I have the same problem with some Centos 7 boxes. The Redhat doco ( says you can disable cert checking by editing /etc/python/cert-verification.cfg and setting a value to 'false'. On my systemthat was already the case, so doesn't work. The same doco also talks about the ca-certificates RPM package, which in my case is up to date.

I wondered if 'backports.ssl-match-hostname' might be something to do with it. It arrives on the box by RPM, but a pip update of it didn't fix the problem either.

Ultimately, it seems that Python is unable to verify the cert at Amazon (which I think is a 'core' python issue, rather than Boto or glacier-cmd per-se). I'm running out of ideas how to convince Python it's okay, other than to hack in disabling verification, as others have done, though.

coofercat avatar Aug 02 '16 17:08 coofercat

(I also have a Centos 6.8 system affected by this)

Looking in code, in boto/ I can see this:

class AWSAuthConnection(object):
    def __init__(self, host, aws_access_key_id=None,
                 is_secure=True, port=None, proxy=None, proxy_port=None,
                 proxy_user=None, proxy_pass=None, debug=0,
                 https_connection_factory=None, path='/',
                 provider='aws', security_token=None,
                 validate_certs=True, profile_name=None):

...which tells me that Boto tries to validate certs. Indeed, if I change validate_certs to False, I can communicate with Glacier with no problems. However, I'd rather not hack Boto if I can avoid it.

I've tried to follow the glacier-cmd code through, but honestly need someone with more familiarity to take a look for me. I'd love for this to be a config option, but figuring out how to make the code do that is proving troublesome for me.

coofercat avatar Aug 03 '16 10:08 coofercat

As I see it, this shouldn't be too hard. This validate_certs parameter has True as default, so all that has to be done is add this as parameter when initialising AWSAuthConnection, something like:

connection = AWSAuthConnection(host, validate_certs=False)

No need to change it in Boto directly, it's done through the call by glacier-cmd, which in turn means it can be added as config option there. Now it's been years since I've been working on glacier-cmd so completely forgot where and how it's called, would need to search for it.

wvmarle avatar Aug 03 '16 18:08 wvmarle

i set validate_certs to false to test and mine continues to fail? centos 7.2.x, fully patched. debug log does complain of same sslerror / disconnecting.

fsantiago07044 avatar Aug 25 '16 21:08 fsantiago07044

Same issue here.

$ aws glacier list-vaults --account-id -
[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:765)

I am not sure which hosts it's having a problem with, but I don't see anything obviously wrong from the openssl output when I try to connect to

$ openssl s_client -connect 

soichih avatar Oct 12 '16 15:10 soichih

To follow up on this:

This is an SSL verification issue another workaround that works is to edit /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/boto-2.39.0-py2.7.egg/boto/ and set validate_certs=True to False. This will stop the error but is insecure. Its under class AWSAuthConnection(object)

Instead of modifying Boto, you can add the following:

https_validate_certificates = False

To one of:

  • /etc/boto.cfg
  • ~/.boto

ebollens avatar Nov 18 '16 16:11 ebollens

I can confirm the config file method works well as an (insecure) workaround on Centos 7 - thanks for the tip!

Now I/we just need to figure out which bit of Python is using whichever out of date certificate store and talk to whichever vendor/provider to get it fixed :-(

coofercat avatar Dec 16 '16 09:12 coofercat

Debian Wheezy: Error did occur, but updating the system removed the error (tested using OpenSSL) Debian Jessie: Error did occur, but updating the system removed the error

If you experience the error, running

openssl s_client -connect

will show you which certificate is missing (update the Glacier endpoint if necessary). On Debian Wheezy, before updating:

depth=2 C = US, O = "VeriSign, Inc.", OU = VeriSign Trust Network, OU = "(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only", CN = VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
verify return:0

Interestingly, an updated ca-certificates on Debian Wheezy was not necessary to fix the problem. The fix must have been introduced by one of these packages (based on @kmcg440's list above and my updates on Wheezy and Jessie):


ladamson avatar Mar 02 '17 00:03 ladamson

fwiw validate_certs=False to S3Connection did not work for me on CentOS7.4, neither did the ~/.boto. I had to export PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY=0.

jamshid avatar Aug 09 '18 15:08 jamshid