Some substrate RPC methods work as read-only to get chain state or parameters, their interface need to be cleaned up in API so that we can extrapolate this cleaned up...
Get Storage unit test breaks if connected to Kusama. Need a fix.
Get Storage Size unit test breaks if connected to Kusama. Need a fix.
Get Storage Hash unit test breaks if connected to Kusama. Need a fix.
Kusama added a new concept in its Metadata: Constants. While it is possible to read with general API tools, it would be nice to have specialized section of API to...
The test breaks because block.header.number is not parsed correctly in the API code. Small Kusama block numbers (e.g. 0x2c00f) are likely to break this parsing. Need a fix for that.
The following scenario breaks if done within one process, needs debugging: 1. Connect 2. Communicate 3. Disconnect 4. Connect again - fails here