First of all, great work by the team to find a better alternative for citation management. I personally use Jabref, which works with my workflow. I have tried Zotero but...
Thanks for this extensions. It would be great if we can configure which keys from the bib file are included in the search index. I would personally include abstract and...
I have the same issue with plexmediaplayer 2020-11-28 11:23:17 [ INFO ] Log.cpp @ 115 - Starting Plex Media Player version: build date: 2020-07-25 2020-11-28 11:23:17 [ INFO...
On windows 10, I solved this by downloading xerces from the apache website and extracting the contents to \carla\Build\xerces-c-3.2.3-source. Make sure the folder name is xerces-c-3.2.3-source. Then run make...