May I ask "For each pair of 'related' individuals with a pihat > 0.2, we recommend to remove the individual with the lowest call rate"? What does call rate mean...
When I use hicpro, I store the interaction matrix in complete format instead of upper. Does this affect my subsequent downstream analysis, compartment, TAD, loop, and so on? How can...
How to specify multiple resolutions in the output file of mcool? My original hic file only has res=10kb, 20kb, 40kb, 100kb, 500kb, but -r in hic2cool can only accept one...
I following the code chunk example in PE-SCAn ,and i've got my own super-enhancer data, my code likes: TNBC_SE_OUT
I recently worked on cool files between GENOVA and HiCExplorer. I first converted the matrix file from hic-pro to cool file. Then we use HiCExplorer's hicNormalize and hicCorrectMatrix (--correctionMethod KR)....