conu copied to clipboard
2 warnings coming from kube backend during test run
Is this a bug in the library or on our end?
Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method ApiClient.__del__ of <kubernetes.client.api_client.ApiClient object at 0x7f26c3b06250>> ignored
Exception TypeError: "'NoneType' object is not callable" in <bound method ApiClient.__del__ of <kubernetes.client.api_client.ApiClient object at 0x7f26c3a97650>> ignored
The test run just for context:
[1m[31m___________________________________ test_pod ___________________________________[0m
[1m def test_pod():[0m
[1m with DockerBackend() as backend:[0m
[1m [0m
[1m pod = image.run_in_pod(namespace='conu')[0m
[1m [0m
[1m try:[0m
[1m> pod.wait(200)[0m
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[1m[31mconu/backend/k8s/[0m:110: in wait
[1m Probe(timeout=timeout, fnc=self.get_phase, expected_retval=PodPhase.RUNNING).run()[0m
[1m[31mconu/utils/[0m:63: in run
[1m return self._run()[0m
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <conu.utils.probes.Probe object at 0x7f26a3131310>
[1m def _run(self):[0m
[1m start = time.time()[0m
[1m fnc_queue = Queue()[0m
[1m logger.debug("starting probe")[0m
[1m p = Process(target=self._wrapper, args=(fnc_queue, start))[0m
[1m p.start()[0m
[1m logger.debug("first process started: pid=%s",[0m
[1m tries = 1[0m
[1m while (tries <= self.count or self.count == -1) and \[0m
[1m (self.timeout == -1 or time.time() - start <= self.timeout):[0m
[1m if p.is_alive():[0m
[1m logger.debug("pausing for %s before next try", self.pause)[0m
[1m time.sleep(self.pause)[0m
[1m elif not fnc_queue.empty():[0m
[1m result = fnc_queue.get()[0m
[1m if isinstance(result, Exception):[0m
[1m # TODO: use result's traceback[0m
[1m if self.queue:[0m
[1m self.queue.put(result)[0m
[1m else:[0m
[1m raise result[0m
[1m elif not (result == self.expected_retval):[0m
[1m logger.debug("result = %s", result)[0m
[1m logger.debug("waiting for process to end...")[0m
[1m p.join()[0m
[1m logger.debug("process ended, about to start another one")[0m
[1m p = Process(target=self._wrapper, args=(fnc_queue, start))[0m
[1m p.start()[0m
[1m tries += 1[0m
[1m logger.debug("attempt no. %s started, pid: %s", tries,[0m
[1m else:[0m
[1m return True[0m
[1m else:[0m
[1m return True[0m
[1m else:[0m
[1m p.terminate()[0m
[1m p.join()[0m
[1m if -1 < self.count < tries:[0m
[1m e = CountExceeded[0m
[1m else:[0m
[1m e = ProbeTimeout("Timeout exceeded.")[0m
[1m logger.warning("probe is unsuccessful: %s", e)[0m
[1m if self.queue:[0m
[1m self.queue.put(e)[0m
[1m else:[0m
[1m> raise e[0m
[1m[31mE ProbeTimeout: Timeout exceeded.[0m
[1m[31mconu/utils/[0m:157: ProbeTimeout
----------------------------- Captured stderr call -----------------------------
10:28:12.686 INFO conu has initiated, welcome to the party!
10:28:13.083 INFO Starting Pod fedora-minimal-root-wq09-pod in namespace conu
10:31:33.917 WARNING probe is unsuccessful: Timeout exceeded.
10:31:34.078 INFO Deleting Pod fedora-minimal-root-wq09-pod in namespace conu
------------------------------ Captured log call ------------------------------- 122 INFO conu has initiated, welcome to the party! 493 INFO Starting Pod fedora-minimal-root-wq09-pod in namespace conu 153 WARNING probe is unsuccessful: Timeout exceeded. 60 INFO Deleting Pod fedora-minimal-root-wq09-pod in namespace conu