memos copied to clipboard
Describe the bug
问题1: Memos在上传图片至阿里云OSS时会默认设置ACL为“公共读”,而我在上传较大图片(例如10MB)时,ACL变成了“继承bucket”。 不知道是不是超时还是超了什么限制?
问题2: Memos的OSS存储现阶段只能设置成公共读的吗?私有bucket会被403。
Steps to reproduce
1.使用阿里云OSS,Bucket ACL设置为私有。 2.memos上传10MB图片 3.memos图片403;原因:该图片的OSS ACL变为“继承bucket”,在我当前配置下为“私有”,与memos上传的默认“公共读”不同。
The version of Memos you're using
Screenshots or additional context
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Issue is not in English. It has been translated automatically.
Title: When Alibaba Cloud OSS uploads larger images, the ACL will change to "inherit bucket"
This issue is stale because it has been open 14 days with no activity.
Issue is not in English. It has been translated automatically.
Doesn't this problem exist?