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Option to save response in utf-8 instead of Unicode #1765
This PR introduces a new feature that allows users to save response data in UTF-8 format. Previously, the response data was saved in Unicode format by default. With this update, users working with non-English character sets, like Japanese, will have their data saved correctly in UTF-8 format. This enhances Bruno’s usability and accessibility for a wider range of users.
This resolves #1765
Hey @ialloyd, we tested this PR, but it breaks when the response is an image.
Maybe headers could be used to drive how the data is processed for saving? or maybe some sort of "response type" setting associated with the requests.
Good point @jwetzell !
@sanjai0py Here is some pseudo code. Can you try this and create a new PR
No changes are needed in UI layer.
// save response to file
ipcMain.handle('renderer:save-response-to-file', async (event, response, url) => {
try {
const getHeaderValue = (headerName) => {
const headersArray = typeof response.headers === 'object' ? Object.entries(response.headers) : [];
if (headersArray.length > 0) {
const header = headersArray.find((header) => header[0] === headerName);
if (header && header.length > 1) {
return header[1];
const getFileNameFromContentDispositionHeader = () => {
const contentDisposition = getHeaderValue('content-disposition');
try {
const disposition = contentDispositionParser.parse(contentDisposition);
return disposition && disposition.parameters['filename'];
} catch (error) {}
const getFileNameFromUrlPath = () => {
const lastPathLevel = new URL(url).pathname.split('/').pop();
if (lastPathLevel && /\..+/.exec(lastPathLevel)) {
return lastPathLevel;
const getFileNameBasedOnContentTypeHeader = () => {
const contentType = getHeaderValue('content-type');
const extension = (contentType && mime.extension(contentType)) || 'txt';
return `response.${extension}`;
const getEncodingFormat = () => {
const contentType = getHeaderValue('content-type');
const extension = (contentType && mime.extension(contentType)) || 'txt';
if (extension && ['json', 'xml', 'html', 'yml', 'yaml', 'text'].includes(extension)) {
return 'utf-8';
return 'base64';
const fileName =
getFileNameFromContentDispositionHeader() || getFileNameFromUrlPath() || getFileNameBasedOnContentTypeHeader();
const filePath = await chooseFileToSave(mainWindow, fileName);
if (filePath) {
await writeBinaryFile(filePath, Buffer.from(response.dataBuffer, getEncodingFormat()));
} catch (error) {
return Promise.reject(error);
Closing this PR as another PR with expected changes has been merged. The v1.25.0 version of Bruno contains the fix.