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FedMultimodal - 2023 KDD ADS

FedMutimodal [Paper Link] is an open source project for researchers exploring multimodal applications in Federated Learning setup. FedMultimodal was accepted to 2023 KDD ADS track.

The framework figure:

Image credit: https://openmoji.org/

Applications supported


To begin with, please clone this repo:

git clone [email protected]:usc-sail/fed-multimodal.git

To install the conda environment:

cd fed-multimodal
conda create --name fed-multimodal python=3.9
conda activate fed-multimodal

Then pip install the package:

pip install -e .

Data processing recipe

Feature processing includes 3 steps:

  • Data partitioning
  • Simulation features
  • Feature processing

Quick Start -- UCI-HAR Example (Acc. and Gyro)

Here we provide an example to quickly start with the experiments, and reproduce the UCI-HAR results from the paper. We set the fixed seed for data partitioning, training client sampling, so ideally you would get the exact results (see Table 4, attention-based column) as reported from our paper.

0. Download data: The data will be under data/uci-har by default.

You can modify the data path in system.cfg to the desired path.

cd fed_multimodal/data
bash download_uci_har.sh
cd ..

1. Partition the data

alpha specifies the non-iidness of the partition, the lower, the higher data heterogeneity. As each subject performs the same amount activities, we partition each subject data into 5 sub-clients.

python3 features/data_partitioning/uci-har/data_partition.py --alpha 0.1 --num_clients 5
python3 features/data_partitioning/uci-har/data_partition.py --alpha 5.0 --num_clients 5

The return data is a list, each item containing [key, file_name, label]

2. Feature extraction

For UCI-HAR dataset, the feature extraction mainly handles normalization.

python3 features/feature_processing/uci-har/extract_feature.py --alpha 0.1
python3 features/feature_processing/uci-har/extract_feature.py --alpha 5.0

3. (Optional) Simulate missing modality conditions

default missing modality simulation returns missing modality at 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%

cd features/simulation_features/uci-har
# output/mm/ucihar/{client_id}_{mm_rate}.json

# missing modalities
bash run_mm.sh
cd ../../../

The return data is a list, each item containing: [missing_modalityA, missing_modalityB, new_label, missing_label]

missing_modalityA and missing_modalityB indicates the flag of missing modality, new_label indicates erroneous label, and missing label indicates if the label is missing for a data.

4. Run base experiments (FedAvg, FedOpt, FedProx, ...)

cd experiment/uci-har
bash run_base.sh

5. Run ablation experiments, e.g Missing Modality

cd experiment/uci-har
bash run_mm.sh

Baseline results for executing the above

Dataset Modality Paper Label Size Num. of Clients Split Alpha FL Algorithm F1 (Federated) Learning Rate Global Epoch
UCI-HAR Acc+Gyro UCI-Data 6 105 Natural+Manual 5.0
0.05 200

Feel free to contact us or open issue!

Corresponding Author: Tiantian Feng, University of Southern California

Email: [email protected]

Related Citation

  title={FedMultimodal: A Benchmark For Multimodal Federated Learning},
  author={Feng, Tiantian and Bose, Digbalay and Zhang, Tuo and Hebbar, Rajat and Ramakrishna, Anil and Gupta, Rahul and Zhang, Mi and Avestimehr, Salman and Narayanan, Shrikanth},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.09486},

FedMultimodal also uses the code from our previous work:

  title={Fedaudio: A federated learning benchmark for audio tasks},
  author={Zhang, Tuo and Feng, Tiantian and Alam, Samiul and Lee, Sunwoo and Zhang, Mi and Narayanan, Shrikanth S and Avestimehr, Salman},
  booktitle={ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)},