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Google Cloud Pub/Sub adapter and worker for ActiveJob

Results 4 activejob-google_cloud_pubsub issues
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Since the 1st of February in 2019, gem google-cloud-pubsub has been updated (0.34.0 version) and it brokes compatibility with this current gem. Extract from google-cloud-pubsub's changelog, 0.34.0 version : *...

Hello, Firstly, thank you for this gem. I'm hoping to get some good use out of it. I am attempting to use this gem in my app as a drop-in...

[google-cloud-pubsub]( is starting a thread pool to process incoming messages: ```ruby do |stream| { stream.start } end ``` [activejob-google_cloud_pubsub]( is doing the same: ```ruby pool = @min_threads,...

for better scalability control, it's better if the worker run on single thread `--max-threads=N` cannot be used because the worker will consume all the messages, and reschedule then, running with...