Urs Braem

Results 22 issues of Urs Braem

In 2.0.2 (for TYPO3 9.5), the flag `backendConfiguration.recordInfoEnabled` is enabled by default. When it is set, in `/slug/Resources/Private/Templates/List.html`it will look for a `GooglePreview` Partial: ``` {f:translate(key:'recordinfo.no_info_available', extensionName: slug)} {f:translate(key:'recordinfo.no_info_available', extensionName:...

Thanks for making this! Maybe c't could link to your repo from http://www.heise.de/extras/socialshareprivacy/ ?

I just tried running quicksearch with current jQuery and came here just for curiosity & was surprised to see some activity in the commits 😀😀😀 This used to be a...

Hi My quicksearch input field is always emptied when returning to the quicksearch page using the back button. Is there a way to make sure (or more probable) browsers will...

## What is wrong now ? We have a few foundation legacy projects that don't seem to be working on arm64 processor (using ddev with a debian docker container, so...

Versions: TYPO3 12.4.8 with Mask 8.3.7 We have an asset field to be used for images. With the option `allowLanguageSynchronization` there is the following error when editing the field in...

core bug

If you have various teasers on your site, maybe some news teasers and then some excerpts from your instagram feed, you will welcome the possibility to specify a **range** in...

Make php 8 compatible and avoid undefined array key warning re #17

In https://github.com/in2code-de/instagram/blob/master/composer.json#L17 PHP 7.2 is required. For TYPO3 11, I thought PHP 8 was fine and 7.4 was minimum. Could that be raised to 7.4 / 8?

It would be great to have this optimized for use in TYPO3 CMS 6.x and NEOS as well