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Du möchtest (oder musst) Arbeitszeiten in deinem Unternehmen digital erfassen und nachweisen können? 🦥

Zeiterfassung Build

Ist bei euch die Zeiterfassung auch gerade ein großes Thema? Das trifft sich gut!

Durchstarten mit der Zeiterfassung! Folgende Funktionen sind bereits enthalten:

  • Erfassen von Zeiten: Kommt-Geht Erfassung oder einzelne Zeitbuchungen
  • Stoppuhr-Modus
  • Visualisierung der geleisteten Stunden auf Wochen und Monatsebene
  • Berichte für eigene erfasste Stunden (CSV-Download)
  • Berichte für Vorgesetzte (CSV-Download)

Unsere Entwicklung lebt von eurem Feedback. Wir freuen uns die Zeiterfassung mit euch zusammen voranzubringen.

Wenn du mehr Informationen und Bilder über dieses Projekt sehen möchtest dann schaue auf unserer Landingpage vorbei.

Ein Bild der Zeiterfassung auf verschiedenen Endgeräten

⚠️ Die Dokumentationen zu Betrieb und Entwicklung sind aktuell nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar.




The application is available as docker image on GitHub and Docker Hub


The application has a configuration file in the src/main/resources directory. This includes certain basic settings and default values. However, these alone are not sufficient to put the application into production. Specific configurations such as the database, e-mail server and security provider must be stored in a separate configuration file or handed via environment variables.

The options available with Spring Boot for using your own configuration file or environment variables can be found in the 'External Config' Reference


The application uses a PostgresSQL database management system to store the data. Create a database in your PostgresSQL database management system with e.g. the name zeiterfassung. and a user with access rights for this database and configure it

    url: jdbc:postgresql://$HOST:$PORT/$DATABASENAME
    username: $USER
    password: $PASSWORD

When you start the application for the first time, all database tables are created automatically.


To configure the e-mail server, the following configurations must be made.

    from: [email protected]
    fromDisplayName: zeiterfassung
    replyTo: [email protected]
    replyToDisplayName: replyto

    host: $HOST
    port: $PORT
    username: $USERNAME
    password: $PASSWORD

All other spring.mail.* configurations can be found in the Spring Documentation E-Mail be viewed.

OpenID Connect identity provider

As security provider OIDC-based security providers are possible to use (e.g. Keycloak, Microsoft Azure AD or other 'OpenID Connect providers'). To configure the security provider, the following configurations must be made.

            client-id: zeiterfassung
            client-secret: $OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET
            client-name: zeiterfassung
            provider: default
            scope: openid,profile,email,roles
            authorization-grant-type: authorization_code
            redirect-uri: $OIDC_REDIRECT_URI
            issuer-uri: $OIDC_ISSUER_URI

      login-form-url: $OIDC_LOGIN_FORM_URL

Zeiterfassung is using user permissions from oidc claim groups for mapping possible permissions:

  • ZEITERFASSUNG_USER: General access to the application and time tracking features
  • ZEITERFASSUNG_VIEW_REPORT_ALL: Access to reports of other users
  • ZEITERFASSUNG_WORKING_TIME_EDIT_ALL: Allowed to edit working time of all users
  • ZEITERFASSUNG_OVERTIME_ACCOUNT_EDIT_ALL: Allowed to edit overtime account of all users
  • ZEITERFASSUNG_PERMISSIONS_EDIT_ALL: Allowed to edit permissions of all users

If you're using Keycloak, this can be configured via a predefined OIDC client mapper with name groups. Create both permissions as Realm roles and assign user to those roles.


Sollten beim Starten der Anwendung Probleme auftreten, lässt sich in der Konfigurationsdatei eine ausführliche Debug-Ausgabe konfigurieren, indem das logging.level.* pro Paket konfiguriert wird,

    de.focusshift.zeiterfassung: TRACE
    org.springframework.security: TRACE

All other logging.* configurations can be found in the Spring Documentation Logging be viewed.

Application as an OS-Service

Since the application is based on Spring Boot, it can be installed very conveniently as a service. How exactly this works, can be found in the corresponding chapters of the Spring Boot documentation:

Feedback form

A Feedback Form can be configured.

If enabled, the form will be displayed for every user on every page on the bottom right of the browser.
The logged-in user email is used as the Sender Email-Address.

    enabled: true
      to: [email protected]
Property Type Description
zeiterfassung.feedback.enabled Boolean (default) false, true to enable the feedback form.
zeiterfassung.feedback.email.to String Recipient of the feedback E-Mail.


An info banner can be configured, e.g. to announce maintenance work. The banner is then displayed at the top.

    enabled: true
      de: Wartungsarbeiten ab Freitag 14:00. Es kann zu Beeinträchtigungen kommen.
Property Type Description
zeiterfassung.info-banner.enabled Boolean (default) false, true to activate the banner
zeiterfassung.info-banner.text.de String Text of the info banner for the German Locale.


You can configure a launchpad that shows other applications the user can navigate to.

  name-default-locale: de
    url: https://example.org
    name.de: Anwendung 1
    name.en: App 1
    url: https://example-2.org
    name.de: Anwendung 2
    name.en: App 2
Property Type Description
launchpad.name-default-locale Locale Default application name when requested Locale has no name configured.
launchpad.apps[x].url String The URL of the application.
launchpad.apps[x].name.[locale] String Localized application name.
launchpad.apps[x].icon String URL of an image, or a base64 encoded one. Will be injected into a <img src="" /> attribute.
Note that the image should ideally be a square.
launchpad.apps[x].authority [String] Optional authority required to display the app or not for an Authentication.

Launchpad has custom messages. So you have to tell Spring about the messages file:

    basename: messages,launchpad-core
  • (required) messages is the default application messages properties
  • (required) launchpad-core provides launchpad specific messages

Run application

To run the docker container e.g. with following command:

docker run -p 8080:8080 ghcr.io/urlaubsverwaltung/zeiterfassung/zeiterfassung:$VERSION

Replace the $VERSION with a specific version from the docker images.

As part of a docker-compose setup all configurations can be set in service definition.

Operations example with docker compose

An example for an environment of Zeiterfassung with docker-compose can be found here.



Clone the repository

Without GitHub account


with GitHub account

git clone [email protected]:urlaubsverwaltung/zeiterfassung.git

Start the Zeiterfassung

Start the needed dependencies like the database and the keycloak server with

docker-compose up -d

The Zeiterfassung is a Spring Boot application and can be started with the dev-singletenant profile that will also generate demo data.

./mvnw clean spring-boot:run

and for Windows user with

./mvnw.cmd clean spring-boot:run

How to use the Zeiterfassung

The application can then be controlled in the browser via http://localhost:8060/.

With the dev-singletenant profile a Postgres database is used and demo data is created, i.e. time entries, tenants and users. Therefore, you can now log into the web interface with different users.

Demo data users

As a user of a tenant can log in via http://localhost:8060/:

username password role
boss secret view_reports_all, working_time_edit_all, overtime_account_edit_all, zeiterfassung_permissions_edit_all
office secret view_reports_all, working_time_edit_all, overtime_account_edit_all, zeiterfassung_permissions_edit_all
user secret

git hooks (optional)

There are some app specific git hooks to automate stuff like:

  • Install NodeJS dependencies after git pull when package-lock.json has changed
  • Format files on commit

If you want to take advantage of this automation you can run:

git config core.hooksPath '.githooks' 

The git hooks can be found in the .githooks directory.

Import DB Dump

You can import a db dump created via pg_dump into docker-compose-based postgres:

  • paste dump here into root directory and name it dumpfile.sql
  • edit docker-compose.yml
      - ./dumpfile.sql:/tmp/dumpfile.sql:ro
  • start with a fresh docker-compose postgres
  • open shell to postgres docker container docker-compose exec postgres bash
  • exec command inside postgres docker container PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD psql -U $POSTGRES_USER -d $POSTGRES_DB -f /tmp/dumpfile.sql


GitHub action

Go to the GitHub action with the name release trigger.

  • Click on "Run workflow"
  • Add the "Milestone ID" (see in the uri of a milestone)
  • Add "Release version"
  • Add "Next version"
  • Run the workflow

3rd party resources

  • Icons: https://lucide.dev/ (Github: https://github.com/lucide-icons/lucide)
  • Sloth image: https://pixabay.com/de/illustrations/faultiere-säugetiere-pelzig-5599313/