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Implementation of the CTDNE algorithm.


Python3 implementation of the CTDNE algorithm Giang Hoang Nguyen, John Boaz Lee, Ryan A. Rossi, Nesreen K. Ahmed, Eunyee Koh and Sungchul Kim. [Nguyen, Giang Hoang, et al. "Continuous-time dynamic network embeddings." 3rd International Workshop on Learning Representations for Big Networks (WWW BigNet). 2018.]


python setup.py install


import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from ctdne import CTDNE

# Create a graph
graph = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n=100, p=0.5)
m = len(graph.edges())
edge2time = {edge: time for edge,time in zip(graph.edges(),(m*np.random.rand(m)).astype(int))}

# Precompute probabilities and generate walks - **ON WINDOWS ONLY WORKS WITH workers=1**
CTDNE_model = CTDNE(graph, dimensions=64, walk_length=30, num_walks=200, workers=4)

# Embed nodes
model = CTDNE_model.fit(window=10, min_count=1, batch_words=4)  # Any keywords acceptable by gensim.Word2Vec can be passed, `diemnsions` and `workers` are automatically passed (from the CTDNE constructor)

# Look for most similar nodes
model.wv.most_similar('2')  # Output node names are always strings

# Save embeddings for later use

# Save model for later use

# Embed edges using Hadamard method
from CTDNE.edges import HadamardEmbedder

edges_embs = HadamardEmbedder(keyed_vectors=model.wv)

# Look for embeddings on the fly - here we pass normal tuples
edges_embs[('1', '2')]
array([ 5.75068220e-03, -1.10937878e-02,  3.76693785e-01,  2.69105062e-02,
       ... ... ....

# Get all edges in a separate KeyedVectors instance - use with caution could be huge for big networks
edges_kv = edges_embs.as_keyed_vectors()

# Look for most similar edges - this time tuples must be sorted and as str
edges_kv.most_similar(str(('1', '2')))

# Save embeddings for later use



  • CTDNE constructor:

    1. graph: The first positional argument has to be a networkx graph. Node names must be all integers or all strings. On the output model they will always be strings. must include a 'time' edge attribute. Supports MultiEdges graphs.
    2. dimensions: Embedding dimensions (default: 128)
    3. walk_length: Number of nodes in each walk (default: 80)
    4. num_walks: Number of walks per node (default: 10)
    5. p: Return hyper parameter (default: 1)
    6. q: Inout parameter (default: 1)
    7. weight_key: On weighted graphs, this is the key for the weight attribute (default: 'weight')
    8. workers: Number of workers for parallel execution (default: 1)
    9. sampling_strategy: Node specific sampling strategies, supports setting node specific 'q', 'p', 'num_walks' and 'walk_length'. Use these keys exactly. If not set, will use the global ones which were passed on the object initialization`
    10. quiet: Boolean controlling the verbosity. (default: False)
  • CTDNE.fit method: Accepts any key word argument acceptable by gensim.Word2Vec


EdgeEmbedder is an abstract class which all the concrete edge embeddings class inherit from. The classes are AverageEmbedder, HadamardEmbedder, WeightedL1Embedder and WeightedL2Embedder which their practical definition could be found in the paper on table 1 Notice that edge embeddings are defined for any pair of nodes, connected or not and even node with itself.

  • Constructor:

    1. keyed_vectors: A gensim.models.KeyedVectors instance containing the node embeddings
    2. quiet: Boolean controlling the verbosity. (default: False)
  • EdgeEmbedder.__getitem__(item) method, better known as EdgeEmbedder[item]:

    1. item - A tuple consisting of 2 nodes from the keyed_vectors passed in the constructor. Will return the embedding of the edge.
  • EdgeEmbedder.as_keyed_vectors method: Returns a gensim.models.KeyedVectors instance with all possible node pairs in a sorted manner as string. For example, for nodes ['1', '2', '3'] we will have as keys "('1', '1')", "('1', '2')", "('1', '3')", "('2', '2')", "('2', '3')" and "('3', '3')".


  • Node names in the input graph must be all strings, or all ints
  • Parallel execution not working on Windows (joblib known issue). To run non-parallel on Windows pass workers=1 on the CTDNE's constructor


  • [x] Parallel implementation for walk generation
  • [ ] Parallel implementation for probability precomputation


I will probably not be maintaining this package actively, if someone wants to contribute and maintain, please contact me.