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read rows from google spreadsheet with google's sheets api


Read rows from google spreadsheet with google's sheets api.

styled with prettier


$ npm install node-sheets --save
$ yarn add node-sheets


Example to retrieve data from this google spreadsheet using ES7 async/await.

import Sheets from 'node-sheets';
try {
  const gs = new Sheets('1amfst1WVcQDntGe6walYt-4O5SCrHBD5WntbjhvfIm4');
  const authData = require('someGoogleCredentials.json'); // authData = { client_email, private_key }
  await gs.authorizeJWT(authData);
  const table = await gs.tables('Formats!A1:E3');
} catch (err) {

You can also use the lib with Promises.

import Sheets from 'node-sheets';
const gs = new Sheets('1amfst1WVcQDntGe6walYt-4O5SCrHBD5WntbjhvfIm4');
const authData = require('someGoogleCredentials.json'); // authData = { client_email, private_key }
  .then(() => gs.tables('Formats!A1:E3'))
  .then((table) => {
  .catch((err) => {

If you want to use this with require you need to import the default:

const Sheets = require('node-sheets').default;



Returns tabular sheet data for the specified ranges. This method accepts three distinct type of arguments: string, object and array.


If a string argument is specified, it defines the name of the range (A1 notation) to be retrieved from the spreadsheet. The return model is a SheetTable object.


If an object argument is specified, we expect to have an object with name and (optional) range properties. The return model is a SheetTable object.


When the argument is an array, we want to retrieve table values for several sheets. The return model is an array of SheetTable objects.

SheetTable response schema

The .tables() method returns SheetTable objects that contains tabular data for a sheet.

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
row 1 text $0.41 3.00
... ... ...
const table = await gs.tables('Formats');

 title: 'Formats',                                                        // name of the sheet/table
 headers: ['Header 1', 'Header 2', 'Header 3'],                           // name of the headers (1st row)
 formats: [                                                               // array with information regarding cell format
   { numberFormat: { type: 'NONE' } },
   { numberFormat: { type: 'CURRENCY', pattern: '"$"#,##0.00' } },
   { numberFormat: { type: 'NUMBER', pattern: '#,##0.00' } } ]
 rows: [                                                                  // rows contains the values for 2nd row ahead
   {                                                                      // Each row object has:
     'Header 1': { value: 'row 1 text', stringValue: 'row 1 text' },
     'Header 2': { value: 0.41, stringValue: '$0.41' },
     'Header 3': { value: 3, stringValue: '3.00' }
   { ... },
   { ... }

Sample access to the value of col 'Header 2' of first row:

const currencyValue = table.rows[0]['Header 2'].value; // 0.41

Note: Formats are retrieved from first data row.

Sample usage

const sheet = await gs.tables('main'); // ranges = ['main']
const sheet = await gs.tables('A100'); // ranges = ['A100']  - that is the cell A100 and not the sheet A100
const sheet = await gs.tables({ sheet: 'main' }); // ranges = ['main!A:ZZZ']
const sheet = await gs.tables({ sheet: 'main', range: 'A1:B4' }); // ranges = ['main!A1:B4']
const sheets = await gs.tables([
  { sheet: 'main' },
  { sheet: 'D001', range: 'A1:D3' },
  { sheet: 'D002' },
]); // ranges = ['main!A:ZZZ', 'D001!A1:D3', 'D002!A:ZZZ']


Parsing as a cell or a named range will take precedence over a sheet name when using string argument. More info here.


node-sheets offers two authentication methods.

  1. With JWT token (.authorizeJWT(auth [, scopes])) using private_key and client_email, and also allowing to set auth scopes. The default auth scope is

  2. With api key (.authorizeApiKey(apikey)) using an api key you have created in the google developers console.


Returns a ISO_8601 compatible string with the last update date of the spreadsheet. This can be used to check if a re-fetch is needed.


Returns a list with all the names of the sheets in the spreadsheet.


You can check the /test/index.js file for examples.


This library is licensed under MIT. Full license text is available in LICENSE.


We appreciate any contribution to this project. We keep a list of features and bugs in the issue tracker.