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Cafex is a pure Elixir implementation of Kafka client


Cafex is a pure Elixir implementation of Kafka client with ZooKeeper and Consul intergration.

Cafex support Kafka 0.8 and 0.9 group membership APIs.

Cafex provides all kafka APIs encapsulation, producer implementation and high-level consumer implementation.



iex> Application.start :cafex
iex> topic_name = "test_topic"
iex> brokers = [{"", 9092}]
iex> {:ok, producer} = Cafex.start_producer topic_name, client_id: "myproducer",
                                                        brokers: brokers,
                                                        partitioner: MyPartitioner,
                                                        acks: 1,
                                                        batch_num: 100,
                                                        linger_ms: 10
iex> Cafex.produce producer, "message", key: "key"
iex> Cafex.async_produce producer, "message", key: "key"

Producer options


The partitioner for partitioning messages amongst sub-topics. The default partitioner is Cafex.Partitioner.Random.


The client id is a user-specified string sent in each request to help trace calls. It should logically identify the application making the request.

Default cafex_producer.


The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. This controls the durability of records that are sent.

Default value is 1.


The number of messages to send in one batch when linger_ms is not zero. The producer will wait until either this number of messages are ready to send.


This setting is the same as config in the new official producer configs. This setting defaults to 0 (i.e. no delay).

NOTE: If linger_ms is set to 0, the batch_num will not take effect.



defmodule MyConsumer do
  use Cafex.Consumer

  def consume(msg, state) do
    # handle the msg
    {:ok, state}

iex> Application.start :cafex
iex> topic_name = "test_topic"
iex> brokers = [{"", 9092}]
iex> options = [client_id: "myconsumer",
                topic: topic_name,
                brokers: brokers,
                offset_storage: :kafka,
                group_manager: :kafka,
                lock: :consul,
                group_session_timeout: 7000, # ms
                auto_commit: true,
                auto_commit_interval: 500,   # ms
                auto_commit_max_buffers: 50,
                fetch_wait_time: 100,        # ms
                fetch_min_bytes: 32 * 1024,
                fetch_max_bytes: 64 * 1024,
                handler: {MyConsumer, []}]
iex> {:ok, consumer} = Cafex.start_consumer :myconsumer, options

The options argument of the function start_consumer can be put in the config/config.exs:

config :cafex, :myconsumer,
  client_id: "cafex",
  topic: "test_topic",
  brokers: [
    {"", 9092},
    {"", 9092}
  offset_storage: :kafka,
  group_manager: :kafka,
  lock: :consul,
  group_session_timeout: 7000, # ms
  auto_commit: true,
  auto_commit_interval: 500,   # ms
  auto_commit_max_buffers: 50,
  fetch_wait_time: 100,        # ms
  fetch_min_bytes: 32 * 1024,
  fetch_max_bytes: 64 * 1024,
  handler: {MyConsumer, []}

By default, cafex will use :kafka as the offset storage, use the new kafka group membership API, which was added in the 0.9.x, as the group manager, and use the :consul as the worker lock. Make suer your Kafka server is 0.9.x or above.

But :zookeeper is another option for these. If you use zookeeper, the starting options of :erlzk must be specified under the :zookeeper key:

config :cafex, :myconsumer,
  client_id: "cafex",
  topic: "test_topic",
  brokers: [...],
  offset_storage: :zookeeper,
  group_manager: :zookeeper,
  lock: :zookeeper,
  zookeeper: [
    timeout: 5000,
    servers: [{"", 2181}],
    chroot: "/cafex"


  • Support kafka 0.10.x.x
  • Add tests