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Dynamic change relation table name
My structs:
type Client struct {
bun.BaseModel bun:"table:clients,alias:c"
ID int json:"id" bun:"id,pk,autoincrement"
Title string json:"title" bun:"title" validate:"required,max=100"
Code string json:"code" bun:"code" validate:"required"
VatCode string json:"vat_code" bun:"vat_code"
Address string json:"address" bun:"address"
Email string json:"email" bun:"email" validate:"required,email"
Phone string json:"phone" bun:"phone"
type ProjectList struct {
bun.BaseModel bun:"table:projects,alias:p"
ID int json:"id" bun:"id,pk,autoincrement"
ClientID int json:"client_id,omitempty" bun:"client_id" validate:"required,numeric"
Client Client json:"client,omitempty" bun:"rel:has-one,join:client_id=id"
Title string json:"title" bun:"title" validate:"required,max=200"
Address string json:"address" bun:"address" validate:"required,max=250"
Clients table name is dynamic: a_clients, b_clients,... with same structure. I try this select (but return error):
projects := []ProjectList{}
err := config.Db.
Relation("Client", func(q *bun.SelectQuery) *bun.SelectQuery {
return q.ModelTableExpr("? as c", bun.Ident(slug+"_clients"))
ModelTableExpr("? as p", bun.Ident(slug+"_projects")).
How change Relation table name dynamically?