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Example of MVVM-C architecture implemented with RxSwift

Results 11 Coordinator-MVVM-Rx-Example issues
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Thanks for the idea and implementation, this is a great resource on how to crate a nice, maintainable and also very flexible all architecture! I’m struggling right now with “sign...

Hi. I'm using this Coordinators idea in my projects and have a issue here regarding to memory management. Imagine that I started a specific flow: the Login flow. This flow...

needed to update the project in order to run in Xcode 11

Hi there! In #4 you show how to use coordinators with tabBarController. But what if I want to go back from tabBarController? My code: ` class TabCoordinator: BaseCoordinator { let...

There is no deep link support in current implementation. It would be a very nice improvement to a project!

Hello, i started using coordinators in my app. It's ok to present controllers throught navigation controllers, tabbar controllers or modally. But i wonder how to use it to embed a...

I have implemented The `MVVM+Coordinator` in my app and now i want to `preserve my app state`. so i enabled saving app state via: ``` public func application(_ application: UIApplication,...

Hi Arthur, I came across this repo and accompanying blog post when doing some research on different coordinator + MVVM approaches. Our team uses our own flavour of coordinators and...

Hi, guys! Great article and idea! Thanks for sharing it ❤️ I have one proposal tho :) I feel like it would be more aligned with nature of `Observable` (side...

I suggest making the project much more lightweight, it kinda sound weird to download a project at this size, and you see your browser is still downloading like 40MB! I...