elasticsearch-operator copied to clipboard
manages elasticsearch clusters
As of Helm v3, the release name is now mandatory as part of the command and therefore the '--name' flag is neither needed nor recognised.
Hello, I've deployed the controller successfully using the template found [here](https://github.com/upmc-enterprises/elasticsearch-operator/blob/master/example/controller.yaml). After the controller came to a running state, I deployed the operator with the template found [here](https://github.com/upmc-enterprises/elasticsearch-operator/blob/master/example/example-es-cluster-minikube.yaml). I can...
- Switch to Go Modules - Remove vendor directory
unable to run elasticsearch-operator in AKS 1.12.6 cluster. error# time="2019-04-01T12:25:01Z" level=info msg="elasticsearch operator starting up!" time="2019-04-01T12:25:01Z" level=info msg="Using Variables:" time="2019-04-01T12:25:01Z" level=info msg=" enableInitDaemonset: true" time="2019-04-01T12:25:01Z" level=info msg=" baseImage: upmcenterprises/docker-elasticsearch-kubernetes:6.1.3_0" time="2019-04-01T12:25:01Z"...
Version: 0.3.0 kube version: 1.11.7 error: ``` kubectl -n monitoring logs -f elasticsearch-operator-845f78c79f-m5nc8 (next.brickvest.com/dev) time="2019-03-07T10:43:43Z" level=info msg="elasticsearch operator starting up!" time="2019-03-07T10:43:43Z" level=info msg="Using Variables:" time="2019-03-07T10:43:43Z" level=info msg=" enableInitDaemonset: true" time="2019-03-07T10:43:43Z"...
using Operator 0.2.0 on a GKE cluster 1.11. If there are other Pods (without component label) in the same namespace as the managed ES Pods, the operator crashes with: ```...
tl;dr DaemonSet, Deployment, StatefulSet, and ReplicaSet need to be migrated to `apps/v1` API group. There are a few deprecations/removals in 1.16.x that are directly related to the operator. See here:...
Hello there, I noticed the `docker-elasticsearch-kubernetes` doens't have the repository-azure plugin installed by default, so I've generated a image with that and replaced my deployment with that. I'm trying to...
Hi I am deploying operator in k8s cluster which is managed by other team. They have provided me with a namespace with restricted resources. When I deploy operator deployment in...
using Operator image 0.2.0 or master on a GKE cluster 1.10. Everything was working fine. I delete my `elasticsearch-cluster` resource and the Operator Panic : ``` elasticsearch-operator-7664d67d9c-fjhvg elasticsearch-operator time="2018-11-28T12:40:57Z" level=info...