up-for-grabs.net copied to clipboard
Updated project stats
This PR regenerates the stats for all repositories that use a single label in a single GitHub repository
:wave: I'm a robot checking the state of this pull request to save the human reveiwers time. I noticed this PR added or modififed the data files under _data/projects/
so I had a look at what's changed.
As you make changes to this pull request, I'll re-run these checks.
3 projects without issues :white_check_mark:
The label 'Good First Issue' for GitHub repository 'appsmithorg/appsmith' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'Beginner' for GitHub repository 'arviz-devs/arviz' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'easy task' for GitHub repository 'ClickHouse/ClickHouse' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'Easy Hack' for GitHub repository 'CollaboraOnline/online' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'good first issue' for GitHub repository 'godotengine/godot' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'help wanted' for GitHub repository 'Homebrew/homebrew-core' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'help wanted' for GitHub repository 'Homebrew/brew' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'Easy' for GitHub repository 'lxc/lxd' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'Up For Grabs' for GitHub repository 'mattermost/mattermost-server' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'good first issue' for GitHub repository 'nextcloud/server' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'good first issue' for GitHub repository 'nukeop/nuclear' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'good first issue' for GitHub repository 'OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'good first issue' for GitHub repository 'oppia/oppia' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'Up-for-Grabs' for GitHub repository 'PowerShell/PowerShell' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'good first issue' for GitHub repository 'TEAMMATES/teammates' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'up for grabs' for GitHub repository 'akkadotnet/akka.net' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'help wanted' for GitHub repository 'angular/angular' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'good first issue' for GitHub repository 'commons-app/apps-android-commons' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'good first issue' for GitHub repository 'backdrop/backdrop-issues' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'Up-for-grabs' for GitHub repository 'cake-build/cake' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'up for grabs' for GitHub repository 'wyattowalsh/data-science-notes' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'up-for-grabs' for GitHub repository 'dotnet/dotnet-api-docs' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'help wanted' for GitHub repository 'dotnet/roslyn' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'up-for-grabs' for GitHub repository 'dotnet/runtime' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'good first bug' for GitHub repository 'emscripten-core/emscripten' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'up-for-grabs' for GitHub repository 'PyFPDF/fpdf2' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'help wanted' for GitHub repository 'freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'up-for-grabs' for GitHub repository 'gitextensions/gitextensions' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'good first issue' for GitHub repository 'provectus/kafka-ui' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'good first issue' for GitHub repository 'kubernetes/kubernetes' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'good first issue' for GitHub repository 'treeverse/lakeFS' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'help wanted' for GitHub repository 'MakeContributions/markdown-dungeon' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'up-for-grabs' for GitHub repository 'dotnet/msbuild' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The GitHub repository 'ockam-network/ockam' is now at 'build-trust/ockam'. Please update this project before this is merged.
The label 'up-for-grabs' for GitHub repository 'octokit/octokit.net' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'help wanted' for GitHub repository 'open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'good first issue' for GitHub repository 'open-telemetry/opentelemetry-cpp' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'help wanted' for GitHub repository 'open-telemetry/opentelemetry-dotnet' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'help wanted' for GitHub repository 'open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go-contrib' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'up-for-grabs' for GitHub repository 'open-telemetry/opentelemetry-js-contrib' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'help wanted' for GitHub repository 'open-telemetry/opentelemetry-python-contrib' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'good first issue' for GitHub repository 'pandas-dev/pandas' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'help wanted' for GitHub repository 'publiclab/plots2' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'E-easy' for GitHub repository 'rust-lang/rust' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'Help wanted' for GitHub repository 'sinonjs/sinon' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'flag: good-first-issue' for GitHub repository 'TestableIO/System.IO.Abstractions' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'help wanted' for GitHub repository 'electricitymap/electricitymap-contrib' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'Help Wanted' for GitHub repository 'microsoft/TypeScript' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'help wanted' for GitHub repository 'microsoft/vscode' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'up-for-grabs' for GitHub repository 'webinstall/webi-installers' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'Good First Issue' for GitHub repository 'Automattic/wp-calypso' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.
The label 'good first issue' for GitHub repository 'yugabyte/yugabyte-db' does not match the specified upforgrabs.link
value. Please update it to ``.