UDNZTimeline icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
UDNZTimeline copied to clipboard

A light javascript library supporting multiple browsers to draw smart, beauty and dynamic timelines.



  • It is a light javascript library.
  • For helping you to build a smart, beauty and dynamic timeline.
  • Based on HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery.
  • Supporting Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and IE 9+ on PC/MAC and mobile (IPad, Android, Windows Phone).

Supporting Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and IE 9+ on PC/MAC and mobile


  • http://uonun.github.io/UDNZTimeline/demo/index.html


  • Javascript with jQuery.
  • Modern browser which is supporting HTML5 and CSS3.


  1. Include timeline.css, jQuery.min.js and timeline.js
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/timeline.css" />
<script src="path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/timeline.js"></script>
  1. Set up an element with an ID to handle the timeline.
<div id="demo_1_container"></div>
  1. Instantiate with options. If you are using multiple timelines in one page, options can be set on each individual timeline:

    See API: Options

    "data_url": "url/or/path/to/data.json",
    "container": {
        "id": "demo_1_container"
  1. Build your data.

    See API: Data structure.

  2. Enjoy it!


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>UDNZTimeline by udnz.com</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/timeline.css" />
    <script src="path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src="path/to/timeline.js"></script>
      $(function() {
          data_url: 'url/or/path/to/data.json',
          container: {
            id: 'demo_1_container'
    <div id="demo_1_container"></div>



Like other javascript librarys, you can define an option in JSON as well. Here are the structure and meanings:

Structure and default values

// default values
var defaults = {
    "data_url": "Data/timeline-nodes.json",
    "container": {
        "id": "timeline_container",
        "width": 0,
        "height": 250
    "figure": {
        "offset": {
            x: 0,
            y: 0
    "dots": {
        "states": {
            "normal": {
                "_stateId": 0,
                "color": "#C3C3C3",
                "color_background": "#ffffff",
                "radius": 12,
                "border": 12
            "active": {
                "_stateId": 1,
                "color": "#ff8800",
                "color_background": "#ffffff",
                "radius": 15,
                "border": 5
        "offsetY": 50
    "lines": {
        "type": "solid",
        "width": 8,
        "color": "#C3C3C3",
        "color_dotted": "#C3C3C3",
        "color_bezier": "#C3C3C3",
        "stroke_dasharray": "16, 8"
    "board": {
        "width": 220,
        "color_background": "#FFFFFF",
        "color_border": "#ff8800",
        "margin": 10,
        "border": 5,
        "spliter_width": 3
    "effect": $.DEFINED_EFFECT_TYPE.fade | $.DEFINED_EFFECT_TYPE.translate

// defined effects
    curt: 1,
    fade: 2,
    slide: 4,
    translate: 8,
    rotateX: 16,
    rotateY: 32


  • Some of the effect defined in $.DEFINED_EFFECT_TYPE could be combined.
  • Bezier lines could not be dotted.


Option Description
option.data_url REQUIRED. The path of JSON data. Supporting both relative or absolute URL.
option.container.id REQUIRED. The element ID of containner.
option.container.width [Optional] The width of timeline. Number, in px.
option.container.height [Optional] The height of timeline. Number, in px.
option.figure.offset.x [Optional] Global horizontal offset. Number, in px.
option.figure.offset.y [Optional] Global vertical offset. Number, in px.
option.dots.states.normal._stateId [Optional] Internal, please ignore it.
option.dots.states.normal.color [Optional] The color of nodes.
option.dots.states.normal.color_background [Optional] The background color of nodes.
option.dots.states.normal.radius [Optional] The radius of nodes. Number, in px.
option.dots.states.normal.border [Optional] The border of nodes. Number, in px.
option.dots.states.active._stateId [Optional] Internal, please ignore it.
option.dots.states.active.color [Optional] The color of nodes when mouse over.
option.dots.states.active.color_background [Optional] The background color of nodes when mouse over.
option.dots.states.active.radius [Optional] The radius of nodes when mouse over. Number, in px.
option.dots.states.active.border [Optional] The border of nodes when mouse over. Number, in px.
option.dots.offsetY [Optional] The vertical offset of branches. Number, in px.
option.lines.type [Optional] The type of lines. dotted or other values for solid line.
option.lines.width [Optional] The width of lines. Number, in px.
option.lines.color [Optional] The color of solid lines.
option.lines.color_dotted [Optional] The color of dotted lines.
option.lines.color_bezier [Optional] The color of bezier lines.
option.lines.stoke_dasharray [Optional] Makes sinse only if option.lines.type===dotted. The length of real and imaginary parts in dotted lines. Numbers, in px. e.g. 16 8.
option.board.width [Optional] The width of detail board. Number, in px.
option.board.color_background [Optional] The background color of detail board.
option.board.color_border [Optional] The border color of detail board.
option.board.margin [Optional] The margin on left/right between the detail board and node. Number, in px.
option.board.border [Optional] The border width of detail board. Number, in px.
option.board.spliter_width [Optional] The width of spliter in detail board. Number, in px.
option.effect [Optional] The effect of displaying detail board. See: $.DEFINED_EFFECT_TYPE

Data structure

The data should be a relative or absolute URL, it will be loaded by Ajax while drawing the timeline. Here it is:


    "nodes": [
            "nodeId": // string,
            "title": // string,
            "date": // string in format of date and time, Not used so far.
            "percent": // int,
            "description": // string,
            "states": // JSON object,
            "lines": // JSON object,
            "board": // JSON object,
                    "nodeId": // string,
                    "title": // string,
                    "date": // string in format of date time.,
                    "percent": // int,
                    "description": // string,
                    "offsetY": // "up" or int,
                    "states": // JSON object,
                    "lines": // JSON object,
                    "board": // JSON object,
                // other nodes
        // other nodes


Data node Description
nodes.nodeId REQUIRED Globally unique ID, levels ignored.
nodes.title REQUIRED The title which is displayed on the board as header
nodes.date [Optional] Not used so far.
nodes.percent REQUIRED The position of node. Number, between 0 and 100. [0,100]
nodes.description REQUIRED The detail message which is displayed on the board as content
nodes.states [Optional] Same as option.dots.states
nodes.lines [Optional] Same as option.lines
nodes.board [Optional] Same as option.board
nodes.nodes [Optional] Array of branch nodes. They will be displayed as a branch.
nodes.nodes.nodeId REQUIRED if nodes.nodes exists Same as nodes.nodeId
nodes.nodes.title REQUIRED if nodes.nodes exists Same as nodes.title
nodes.nodes.date [Optional] Same as nodes.date
nodes.nodes.percent REQUIRED if nodes.nodes exists Same as nodes.percent
nodes.nodes.description REQUIRED if nodes.nodes exists Same as nodes.description
nodes.nodes.offsetY [Optional] Same as option.dots.offsetY Number, in px, or string up.
nodes.nodes.states [Optional] Same as option.dots.states
nodes.nodes.lines [Optional] Same as option.lines
nodes.nodes.board [Optional] Same as option.board


 * Draw the timeline.
 * */
Draw = function () {...}
 * Show a specified node.
 * @nodeId: *required*, the ID of node.
 * @delay: optional, the delay time in ms.
 * */
ShowNode = function (nodeId, delay) {...}
 * Show a specified node without callback.
 * @nodeId: *required*, the ID of node.
 * @callback: *required*, function(callback_data) {...}
 * */
ShowNodeCB = function (nodeId, callback, callback_data) {...}
 * Hide all nodes with delay.
 * @delay: optional, the time of delay, in ms.
 * */
HideNode = function (delay) {...}
 * Hide all nodes with callback.
 * @callback: *required*, function(callback_data) {...}
 * */
HideNodeCB = function (callback, callback_data) {...}
 * Set local data.
 * @data: local data
 * call SetData(null) to clear it.
 * */
SetData = function (data) {...}
 * Set options at runtime.
 * */
SetOptions = function (options) {...}


  • You can call the method ShowNode as soon as the timeline drawed, like this:
// There must be a delay due to the method `Draw` needs time.
  • Perhaps you have noticed that the callback function appear to be earlier than the actual function calls ShowNodeCB/HideNodeCB, which is normal and correct. The reason why this is so, because the methods ShowNodeCB/HideNodeCB just specify an animation "Show"/"Hide", will not do any real work which needs time.


UDNZTimeline by Austin Luo (uonun) is licensed under a GPL License. Really all that's important to me is that please let me know if you find any bug or improvement. Any PR is welcome!