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The official unyt.land CDN that allows TypeScript for Web

unyt.land - TypeScript for web

Our super-fast CDN that enables seamless TypeScript module loading directly in the browser.
Use Deno modules from JSR or deno.land and open-source TypeScript code in your browser in a matter of seconds.


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unyt.land is a free CDN with automatic TypeScript / SCSS transpilation. Our goal is to provide a reliable CDN service for open-source web projects out there.

Why unyt.land?

In the world of web development, one of the most significant hurdles we face is the need to transpile TypeScript to JavaScript before running it in the browser. We want to eliminate this step altogether and work directly with TypeScript imports that are compiled on the fly via our CDN.


Our service comes equipped with those exciting features:

  • Automatic on-the-fly compilation
  • TypeScript support
  • SCSS support
  • JSX support (UIX import source)
  • ~~SourceMaps~~ (currently in development)

This means you can effortlessly load modules from common providers such as JSR, deno.land or GitHub in the browser.

How to use unyt.land?


This one is pretty easy - refactor your deno.land imports to use unyt.land instead!

import mod from "https://deno.land/x/mod.ts"


import mod from "https://unyt.land/x/mod.ts"

[!Warning] unyt.land automatically injects a polyfill to provide Deno.* APIs in the browser. This polyfill is experimental and does not yet implement all Deno APIs correctly.

Load a specific version ([email protected])

https://unyt.land/x/[email protected]/mod.ts

Load std modules ([email protected])

https://unyt.land/[email protected]/csv/mod.ts

Load latest version


Load without deno polyfill (not recommended)

https://unyt.land/x/[email protected]/mod.ts?raw


You can load any JSR release via https://unyt.land/@<scope>/<package>/<version>/<path> by passing scope, package and optionally the package version and file path.

[!Warning] unyt.land automatically injects a polyfill to provide Deno.* APIs in the browser. This polyfill is experimental and does not yet implement all Deno APIs correctly.

Load a specific release (@luca/flag) in version 1.0.0


Load latest version (@oxi/core)



You can load any GitHub release, commit, or branch via https://unyt.land/gh/ by passing user, repo, version and file path.

Load any GitHub file


Load a specific verion ([email protected])

https://unyt.land/gh/unyt-org/[email protected]/main.ts

Load latest version



You can load any other web import using https://unyt.land/web/ with the URL appended to the path.
Load the icon under "https://unyt.org/favicon.ico" throught the unyt.land proxy:


We appreciate your feedback. Please report issues if you encounter bugs or unexpected behaviour.
Feel free to hit us up if you have an idea you'd like to discuss! ❤️

Privacy Policy

unyt.land might use information about downloaded files to build download stats per project and per file. We don't store user data and do never track users in any way.
Read more here.

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