@spth Philipp, can you please help us with these very few remaining patches, that are waiting to be merged into SDCC? Thank you!
that `_tile_pals[]` array only makes sense when `-use-structs` is passed. that kind of array is used by ZGB and i think is obsolete as well.
it is slower to match the recommended timings; also it waits the equal time for both: d-pad and buttons, it is not clear from the doc, whether delays should be...
you never get this working, because of the modern sdcc linker issues, and makebin can not make files other 32768 bytes size. the only way is to use an old...
ps: and i also found a way to make trampoline functions work. you declare a function, say, `int some_bank2_proc(int a, int b, int c) __banked { printf(" in %s\n", hello2);...
are you trying to make assembly code even less readable than it is?
that feature only works with the legacy GBT Player driver.
so, that option is not for you.
oh, yes, sorry. i forgot, that feature is prepared for being removed, because the new driver has no support for that. `loop` parameter has no effect since the point of...