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A Broccoli plugin for inlining or extracting sourcemaps.

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A Broccoli plugin for inlining or extracting JavaScript and CSS source maps using convert-source-map.


$ npm install --save-dev broccoli-source-map


var sourceMap = require('broccoli-source-map')
var src = 'js_and_maps' // probably something like: sweetjs('js', {sourceMap: true, readableNames: true});
var inlined = new sourceMap.SourceMapInliner([src])
var extracted = new sourceMap.SourceMapExtractor([inlined])


require('broccoli-source-map').SourceMapInliner combines pairs of .js and (.css and files into one .js (.css) file that contains the source map as a base64 URL comment. If the map contains file references in the sources field, but not the sourcesContent field, it will also inline the files into that field to make the compiled file independent of the source file. This is very useful if you want to use broccoli-browserify because browserify reads inline source maps, but not external ones.


require('broccoli-source-map').SourceMapExtractor extracts source maps from base64 URL comments of .js (.css) files into separate ( files, just like exorcist.


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This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
For more information, please refer to the UNLICENSE file or